Author Topic: Larval's spam  (Read 6780 times)

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Offline QuirkyLarval

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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #45 on: October 08, 2006, 11:13:32 AM »
endersdragon is not here, thank god.




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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #46 on: October 08, 2006, 11:14:47 AM »
spam 1

Spam 2:

IMG -> http://www.xrpm.org/anal/analsex_08.jpg


I'm so glad that my browser is set up to not show graphics like that.

I'm feeling sorry for my Carla counterpart right about now. She's gonna have
to actually look at that pic.

She might be lucky it didn't show up on my computer.

Copyright by PurposefulInsanity, 2006 -- Probed by Dunc's meaty missle.

What the fuck's a missle??  And why does the fact that it didn't show up on my computer need copywriting?

Offline QuirkyLarval

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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #47 on: October 08, 2006, 11:15:23 AM »
* purposefulinsanity wonders when this new member is actually going to post something worth reading  ::)

I deny that allegation!! (of claiming to post worthwhile reading material)

I'm sure you could if you tried  ;)

Care to place a bet and/or wager on that? ;) :P :0 :$

But if I did that you'd have no motivation to make interesting posts, I'd rather believe that you can and hope that I'm right (the last thing this place needs is more postwhoring posts that don't actually say anything).

That's not what I was told. :(

Endersdragon called me a post-whore. :) Where is he???

Now don't get my wrong we do welcome postwhores with open arms (I have been known to postwhore my way around the board myself), but its much better if you actually put some content in your posts IMO.

Again not what I expected to hear. :(

Just cuz I could do it doesnt mean I would

Anymore than that time I jumped off the bridge coz SB2 told me to - ok bad example.

Offline QuirkyLarval

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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #48 on: October 08, 2006, 11:16:58 AM »

* Larval's Spam Thread heartily welcomes ThePeaGuy aka TheTroll

spam 1

Spam 2:

IMG -> http://www.xrpm.org/anal/analsex_08.jpg


I'm so glad that my browser is set up to not show graphics like that.

I'm feeling sorry for my Carla counterpart right about now. She's gonna have
to actually look at that pic.

She might be lucky it didn't show up on my computer.

Copyright by PurposefulInsanity, 2006 -- Probed by Dunc's meaty missle.

What the fuck's a missle??  And why does the fact that it didn't show up on my computer need copywriting?


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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #49 on: October 08, 2006, 11:17:23 AM »
spam 1

Spam 2:

IMG -> http://www.xrpm.org/anal/analsex_08.jpg


I'm so glad that my browser is set up to not show graphics like that.

I'm feeling sorry for my Carla counterpart right about now. She's gonna have
to actually look at that pic.

She might be lucky it didn't show up on my computer.

Copyright by PurposefulInsanity, 2006 -- Probed by Dunc's meaty missle.

What the fuck's a missle??  And why does the fact that it didn't show up on my computer need copywriting?

I misspelt "missile" by accident. And I was copyrighting your post, not your picture.

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 11:19:03 AM by thepeaguy »


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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #50 on: October 08, 2006, 11:18:54 AM »

I misspelt "missile" by accident. And I was copyrighting your post, not your picture.

So again why does my post need copywriting?  Its not like a pic not showing up is serious info ???

Offline QuirkyLarval

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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #51 on: October 08, 2006, 11:19:50 AM »
Yay reply number 50!!!

50th yay!!!

Try asking a question that gets the answer 'the 50th' in english it isn't gonna
be easy even if ur a native speaker.

Now try it in chinese and what do you get?


(oops 51)

spam 1

Spam 2:

IMG -> http://www.xrpm.org/anal/analsex_08.jpg


I'm so glad that my browser is set up to not show graphics like that.

I'm feeling sorry for my Carla counterpart right about now. She's gonna have
to actually look at that pic.

She might be lucky it didn't show up on my computer.

Copyright by PurposefulInsanity, 2006 -- Probed by Dunc's meaty missle.

What the fuck's a missle??  And why does the fact that it didn't show up on my computer need copywriting?

I misspelt "missile" by accident. And I was copyrighting your post, not your picture.


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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #52 on: October 08, 2006, 11:20:52 AM »

I misspelt "missile" by accident. And I was copyrighting your post, not your picture.

So again why does my post need copywriting?  Its not like a pic not showing up is serious info ???

I was trying to make some funny material, but unfortunately it just didn't mesh with the Intensity crew this evening.

Offline QuirkyLarval

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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #53 on: October 08, 2006, 11:21:35 AM »

I misspelt "missile" by accident. And I was copyrighting your post, not your picture.

So again why does my post need copywriting?  Its not like a pic not showing up is serious info ???

I doubt he was serious about the copywriting, more along the lines of a joke or
insult or some such.

So not serious. (Statement deliberately left ambigious in tone.)

Anywho only you can copywrite your own words, no one else can do it for you on your behalf.

Offline QuirkyLarval

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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #54 on: October 08, 2006, 11:22:29 AM »

I misspelt "missile" by accident. And I was copyrighting your post, not your picture.

So again why does my post need copywriting?  Its not like a pic not showing up is serious info ???

I was trying to make some funny material, but unfortunately it just didn't mesh with the Intensity crew this evening.

Hope its not my fault. :O

Offline QuirkyLarval

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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #55 on: October 08, 2006, 11:22:46 AM »
endersdragon is not here, thank god.



Offline QuirkyLarval

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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #56 on: October 08, 2006, 11:23:04 AM »


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Re: Larval's spam
« Reply #57 on: October 08, 2006, 11:23:26 AM »

I misspelt "missile" by accident. And I was copyrighting your post, not your picture.

So again why does my post need copywriting?  Its not like a pic not showing up is serious info ???

I was trying to make some funny material, but unfortunately, it just didn't mesh with the Intensity crew this evening.

Meh, its sunday evening, I'm tired, and I was in the mood to mess with you (quoting your misspellings before you had chance to fix them  :P ).

Offline QuirkyLarval

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fanantical religions??? huh?
« Reply #58 on: October 08, 2006, 11:24:38 AM »
Great I know what my second threaad is gonna mee like!!!!


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Re: fanantical religions??? huh?
« Reply #59 on: October 08, 2006, 11:26:04 AM »
Great! I know what my second thread is gonna be like!


*makes meaty missile noises*