i love gargoyles.
YAY!!!!!! +1 just for the fact you like gargoyles.

Hey Lucifer, well mum basically mum woke up on Sunday with a head to toe severe skin allergic reaction to something it was like massive scald marks/burns really nasty marks all over her body and she had some chest pains etc, so she got to the docs on Monday and they gave her a course of antihistimines, the doc was worried about the chest pains etc, but told her to take the tabs and if things got worse or she had any swelling, further chest pains etc she was to go straight to the A&E.
Anyways she took the tabs that evening, and following day she woke up with massive swollen lips, her neck was swollen, had bad chest pains, and her muscles were painful, and she has these new types of marks on her skin, so she had to go to hospital. The docs ran tests and wanted to give her a nebulizer and steriods, it seems they think the further progression of her symptoms was caused by the antihistimines.
The head consultant overruled the emergency department doctor and said even though it was a severe reaction, he wasnt gonna give her steriods and start her on that route if he didnt need to and she had no history of that in the past, instead he got in contact with a specialist allergy clinic. So she has to go to the GP tommorrow get her appointment for the clinic and we shall see what happens, hopefully she will feel alot better by then, heres hoping.
If she develops further symptoms or gets worse im to get her back to the hospital immediately. I havent had much sleep and wont be able to get any sleep, as ive been having to check on her, make sure she doesnt get worse etc, as shes still got the pains in her limbs and chest even though her lips have went down.
Anyways yeah thanks for asking Lucifer.
Im sure she will be ok, fingers crossed, i just hope she makes a sharpish recovery.