
Author Topic: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!  (Read 2437 times)

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Offline Leto729

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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #15 on: October 09, 2006, 09:27:16 AM »
Must yet remember everybody has free will to chose not more or less than that in the end. It was years before I became a baptize member and yet I did chose to become a member of the Jehovah Witnesses. Blaming others like the Jehovah Witnesses I think is wrong in the end.
Guardian of the Empire


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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2006, 09:34:31 AM »
I'm getting rather bored with the discrimination among autistics. If you can speak, and show less developmental delays as you get older, you're somehow mildly autistic. If you're a "low-functioner", you're inferior to those labeled with the so-called AS label from the so-called autistic spectrum.

And so on and so on.

I wouldn't say inferior or superior, but I would honestly say Aspies and HF Auties are "luckier" in most ways.  Does that seem a little more fair?

In your dreams, Alpha Spaz.

Offline Callaway

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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2006, 10:15:05 AM »
Must yet remember everybody has free will to chose not more or less than that in the end. It was years before I became a baptize member and yet I did chose to become a member of the Jehovah Witnesses. Blaming others like the Jehovah Witnesses I think is wrong in the end.

I respect the Jehovah's Witnesses for standing up for their beliefs, but try to see it from the point of view of the people that they try to proselytize, Kevv.

Imagine that I joined a new religion called Pastafarianism and I went door-to-door trying to convert people to it.  Let's say that you told me when I rang your doorbell  and you answered your door that you had your own beliefs that you were perfectly happy with and that you had no interest whatsoever in converting to Pastafarianism, but I was intolerant of your beliefs and told you that Pastafarianism was the only true religion, and that only by worshiping the one true Flying Spaghetti Monster could you be saved.  I had booklets that I wanted to share with you and I wanted to come into your house and read them with you.  I also had my own version of the Bible, which was just a little different than the Bible you already knew cover-to-cover, that supported my Pastafarian beliefs.  Let's say that I came and rang your doorbell to tell you this same message, which you had already told me that you did not want to hear, early in the morning one day every week.  This was a problem for you because you had just gotten to sleep three hours before I rang your doorbell most of these mornings because of insomnia.  Now, how cheerful will you be to see my smiling face at your door trying to proselytize you once a week?

Offline Leto729

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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2006, 11:12:32 AM »
I understand what You are saying Callaway. They though as they see it are following Jesus example. For even Jesus went to peoples houses did He not. I not saying what they are doing is right or wrong. Even after saying that it is still up to You to chose nobody else.
Guardian of the Empire


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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #19 on: October 09, 2006, 12:33:08 PM »
Must yet remember everybody has free will to chose not more or less than that in the end. It was years before I became a baptize member and yet I did chose to become a member of the Jehovah Witnesses. Blaming others like the Jehovah Witnesses I think is wrong in the end.

How much free will do you have when someone refuses to take a polite 'I'm not interested thanks' as an answer and insists on trying to convert you anyway?

I understand what You are saying Callaway. They though as they see it are following Jesus example. For even Jesus went to peoples houses did He not. I not saying what they are doing is right or wrong. Even after saying that it is still up to You to chose nobody else.

But wasn't Jesus a welcome visitor Kevv? If Jehovahs Witnesses learn how to turn water into wine, they're welcome to in my home anytime they like :P

Offline Leto729

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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2006, 02:08:41 PM »
Must yet remember everybody has free will to chose not more or less than that in the end. It was years before I became a baptize member and yet I did chose to become a member of the Jehovah Witnesses. Blaming others like the Jehovah Witnesses I think is wrong in the end.

How much free will do you have when someone refuses to take a polite 'I'm not interested thanks' as an answer and insists on trying to convert you anyway?
Some maybe over zealous for there own good. You just need to be firm with them and ask to leave You alone.
Guardian of the Empire


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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2006, 02:09:10 PM »
Must yet remember everybody has free will to chose not more or less than that in the end. It was years before I became a baptize member and yet I did chose to become a member of the Jehovah Witnesses. Blaming others like the Jehovah Witnesses I think is wrong in the end.

How much free will do you have when someone refuses to take a polite 'I'm not interested thanks' as an answer and insists on trying to convert you anyway?
Some maybe over zealous for there own good. You just need to be firm with them and ask to leave You alone. the end.


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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2006, 09:56:21 PM »
You just need to be firm with them and ask to leave You alone.
Yes especially the ones who try and put their foot in your door as you try to shut it (and let me tell you Kevv theres bloody plenty of those ones), my response to their type in the past has been quite simple and would still be the same now  "fuck off before you become an amputee"  or "do you know what an interim interdict with an arrest warrant attached is?, i doubt your church will be happy and defintely doubt you will be able to go around doors so easily when it becomes public knowledge you have a record" ;D

Thats why alot of Jehovas are so passionately disliked, the ones who tend to come round the doors or actively canvass are usually nasty, persistant individuals, who refuse to listen or accept anything other than what they personally believe and when you dont agree with them you soon see their true colours (people like that to me just show that they no nothing at all about genuine faith or spirituality, they are simply people who fool themselves into thinking they are the only ones who are truly spiritual/have faith, the ones following the true path etc but they are in fact the ones who are far from the true meaning of spirituality etc and are really just using their idea of religion as an armour or disguise to hide "their sins", the fact that they really know nothing at all about true faith/spirituality and to try manipulate/distract and get control over people who are more open to finding their path. Theyre behaviour is more akin to cult like than truly religious).

Ive encountered some right loons in general weither they be Jehovah, Mormon, Fanatical Christians/Catholics etc, no wonder some of the kids who have to grow up around that end up being so lost and messed up, when you see the shit they have rammed down their throats, they are not allowed to grow or find themselves. Some of the things these people who have falsey declared themselves religious say and do are enough to damn them themselves to the jeudo/christianic idea of "hell" once they die. Im fortunate that im not easily scared or intimidated by people like them, and that i have deepily rooted beliefs etc and can easily put them straight without hesitation if theyre nasty and send them packing weither they damn me to hell outloud or not, but there are people who are genuinely frightened by the things that these people say to them, especially young people. Its wrong and its these types of people/religions that are sending out all the wrong messages about what faith really is and play a part in why so many people turn their back on spirituality and faith.

Read over my previous post Kevv, im not saying its just Jehovahs or all Jehovahs, but alot of them here that ive encountered and heard about hell yes (but thats because its mainly only them and Mormons who tend to canvass around doors/streets), NOONE has the right to go around doors forcefeeding people THEIR idea of faith/spirituality/religion or anything else for that matter and especially not scaring them. Dont get me wrong the mormons going around doors can be just as bad for some people BUT ive never yet encountered or heard firsthand about a mormon trying to put their foot in a door when youve tried to close it, it doesnt mean it hasnt happened but in my experience theyve tended to just go "oh well then, are you sure you wouldnt like to chat further? ok then thanks for your time miss (and whatever your surname is)" or something along those lines and theyve tended to listen to what ive had to say before moving along without being nasty or forceful. Ive found that the Mormons were more open to listening and engaging in general discussion, accepting your views even though they may not agree with them and some at times would like a little debate, where as the Jehovas were the total opposite and deserved the stigma they have attached to them.

Where i live personally you dont get many religious fanatics or people with cult like behaviour going round the doors, the people around here dont have much time for persistant people like that tresspassing onto their property and dont tolerate their behaviour one bit and the local police wouldnt have a problem making that clear also. Thats why i was surprised the Jehovas were at the door the other day, but i was informed the following day that they soon got moved on.

Infact this is a funny topic because the other day when i was at my friends store (this store is a multi cultural jewellery/artifact/book store of sorts, she covers most things from crystal jewellery/crystals/stones, to world jewellery, including hindu items, egyptian items, japanese/chinese items, wiccan items, celtic items, fairies, tarot, and books that cover most faiths and lots of other areas) anyways she was telling me how these two people came in and she was wary of them as they were acting strange and they were very closed minded, dissing things and muttering to each other about what a disgrace her store was, how sinful she was etc (not her usual type of customer) anyways she said she gave them the benefit of the doubt afterall ANYONE was welcome into her store and free to browse until they gave her good enough reason otherwise.  She was being nice to them but they kept blanking so she gave up, she was distracted by a phone call and afterwards just went back to her desk and started sorting out the new items by putting hand made price tags and descriptions on them and left the two people browsing the books.

Anyways the two people left in a hurry when she went to them asking if they wanted any help or information on any of the items. She thought nothing more of it until some other customers came in hours later and she recommended a book to one. She went to go get it from one of the bookcases (the one the two people were looking through) to show the girl the index section and a little envelope fell out and inside there was a message reading something along the lines of "Your kind are a disgrace to humanity and you will all burn in hell unless you admit your sins now and seek refuge in Jesus our lord and saviour, if you do not follow the right path you will deserve to burn." So she thought shed look through the rest of the books in that bookcase just incase and she came across a bunch of other little envelopes scattered throughout various books with similar messages inside about going to hell and all the rest. She like myself found it very funny that people who would refer to themselves as being spiritual, of faith or religious would behave in that way, even though she was also digusted by it too and rightly so.

I find that type of behaviour disgusting, and anyone who supports it is just as bad as the people actively doing it. Those who act in such a way have no idea what genuine faith and spirituality is, they've gotten very lost in translation, learned nothing and missed the point. They also have no right to condemn other peoples faiths especially with the way they conduct themselves and theirs.

We all have the right to find out who and what we are, what and who we believe in (if anything), draw conclusions and find or follow our own paths in life whatever they may be on our own for ourselves without force, invasion/interference or manipulation. Sure some may strongly disagree with other peoples religions/belief sytems/views but that doesnt give them the right to go around peoples doors, tresspassing and invading their right to privacy etc forcefeeding them scripture, trying to manipulate them, brainwash them into their personal idea of faith and being nasty to them when they dont agree and explain that they have their own beliefs/faith, or when they dont fall into line. You dont need to agree with someones religious beliefs etc but you should still respect that they are entitled to them, even though you may not respect the way that some people who call themselves religious or part of a certain religion/faith have interpreted things and conducted themselves.

The bottom line is Kevv, for me its nothing to do with their personal beliefs (even though i find Jeudo/Christianic/Jehovah beliefs in general recycled edited nonsense and hypocritical etc, i still believe that people are entitled to their own personal beliefs and i respect that, aslong as they dont actively interfer with others) Basically its the way a proportion of these people conduct themselves and behave thats the problem. So dont take anything personally.

Sorry its very early, im sleepy and cant be arsed checking spelling errors etc, so i apologise if nothing make sense, it is 4:56am afterall.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2006, 10:53:36 PM by Hypnotica_Gaze »

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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #23 on: October 09, 2006, 10:16:42 PM »
Whoa, that's a whole essay!

Offline Nomaken

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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #24 on: October 09, 2006, 10:23:03 PM »
I love people who come to my door.  It doesn't happen very often.... anymore.  I basically start ranting about asheron's call or world of warcraft or something else stupid.  And eventually they can't stand anymore and leave.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
Reverence is fine, Sanctity is silly.
We're all fucked, it helps to remember that.


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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2006, 10:42:25 PM »
Yeah QC i really was THAT bored. :green:

Nomaken, im the kind of person who sticks stone gargoyles outside their door and appeals for the use of electrified fencing to try keep unwanted visitors away. ;)
I wouldnt have a prob with you ranting about world of warcraft or Asherons call mainly because i dont know much about them. So rant away. :P
« Last Edit: October 09, 2006, 10:44:27 PM by Hypnotica_Gaze »

Offline Lucifer

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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #26 on: October 10, 2006, 12:01:19 AM »
i've invited JWs in a couple of times - once saying "come back later", cos i was busy.  they never do.  i can't imagine why.

mostly i just say, no thank you, very politely - i have no problem with others having following any path they choose, as long as they're not harming someone, directly or indirectly.  i do have a problem with the proselytising maniacs who are just fucking rude, though - a mormon twat forced ME into being discourteous and walking off, cos he just wouldn't get out of my face, and i LOATHE discourtesy.

of course, if i'm tired or upset or whatever, i tend to say something along the lines of, "no, thank you, i have my own religion, thanks," which they can't resist asking what it is.  when i say, "i'm a witch," their faces go all funny.  seems to be easier to get rid of them after that, though.

the cheekiest one (and possibly my best comeback) was me saying no thanks, and him saying, "don't you want to be saved, then?"  my response was to look him straight in the eye and say, "no, not particularly."  he didn't have a clue what to say.

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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2006, 08:36:14 AM »
I respect the Jehovah's Witnesses for standing up for their beliefs, but try to see it from the point of view of the people that they try to proselytize, Kevv.

that is just not fair.  and i am in too much of a hurry to look it up.


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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #28 on: October 10, 2006, 09:19:44 AM »
lol yes Lucifer+1
Imagine the horror on the faces when they realise you are both Hindu & witch or when you offer them a look around your shrine which amongst others has a lovely little dedication to the Goddess Kali. ;) Ive found its very easy to earn yourself a place in the little black book pretty fast. Even more so if they notice the name of your gargoyle on your doorstep. ;D

I find its usually best to not answer the door to these people (especially if your a vulnerable person) or open it say "no thanks" then send them on their way by shutting it, unless its a right twat and then well its play time. Luckily we've mostly encountered the nasty twats or derranged fanatic so theres no feeling of guilt etc attached to telling them to piss off or whatever. ;D

If they actually just civily discussed how they find their faith, how it is for them etc yet also enquired about the other persons, listened to their views and accepted they too were also entitled to theirs and left it at there without any of the nonsense they come away with, the nastyness or trying to push their way in doors etc id be fine with letting them in, however with the majority of these canvassers they dont want to understand or accept (prob why they are sent out to canvass ;D), its very one sided and full of nothing but persistant peddling nonsense, ignorance, arrogance and unattractive behaviour which has no essence of spirituality surrounding it and i have no time for these so called people of faith who are nothing more than cult like religion sellers with no respect for anything other than their way.

Like these ones at my door the other day talking about how people with emotional probs/mental probs, pain, depression and stress etc are suffering through their own fault and rejecting the Lord, if they seeked refuge in Jehovah blablabla they would be well again and all afflictions would be removed, they would be purified and all this nonsense, and the going on about the use of medication for mental disorders, depression etc being wrong and people are just damning themselves etc. That is outrageous, especially when they could be saying this to people who are very vulnerable and fragile, the thoughts that would put in their heads is very wrong. These canvassers with messages like that are the ones damning people and the way they behave at times is unforgivable. When mum showed me their additional booklet i thought about sending it on to the charity SANE to see what they thought of it, because im sure there are many charities, organisations out there that would have no problem trying to tackle it or approach it, since it is a danger to people who are already fragile. However instead i passed some of the details onto a woman i know who is a mental health worker who does work between various surgeries in the local area to make her aware, she photocopied it and then i did what i consider the best thing to do with material of that nature which isnt worth the attention or publicity and burned it.

As you say Lucifer.
i have no problem with others having following any path they choose, as long as they're not harming someone, directly or indirectly.  i do have a problem with the proselytising maniacs who are just fucking rude
That basically sums it up.

Anyways must dash, my mother was rushed to A&E today, so i need to make some calls see if shes ok, if shes coming home, needs me to go down or whatever, since i had to stay here and take care of some things for her that she couldnt do.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2006, 09:29:06 AM by Hypnotica_Gaze »


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Re: This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!
« Reply #29 on: October 10, 2006, 09:33:54 AM »
that is just not fair.  and i am in too much of a hurry to look it up.

No need to look it up, im sure they have no probs making house calls, just look up the yellow pages, im sure there will be a number somewhere. ;)
Of course i say that in jest with no intention of upsetting anyone. :P