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This just in - JESUS can help us with our AS!!!!

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"I want to share my testimony of faith. I have been coming to All Nations Church in Fort Mill since August when my three children and I moved from N.Y. this past year. My greatest expectations could not have held all that the Lord has begun in the lives of my children and in my heart since being faithful in this move! In September Pastor Mahesh called out during ministry time that there was someone with a child that was developmentally disabled was diagnosed as autistic. I went up for prayer for my 4 year old son who has been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome (a form of autism) who also has a seizure disorder and is developmentally delayed. The team had me get my son, and the word spoken over him was that it was going to be a progressive healing. I have indeed watched the Lord begin to manifest His Glorious healing Presence over the past few months! In fact the children’s worship leader told me what a change they were seeing in him!  Amy P., SC     Added 2/1/2005


How much money do they want to try to extract from vulnerable parents to pay for this "miracle"?


My parents love that guy.  They went to see him and he had them falling over and speaking in tongues.  Apparently gold light shines from head, although it only happens when hes in a room with all believers.

Religiously patronising a person because of his disability background contradicts Christian values and principles, does it not?

I'm getting rather bored with the discrimination among autistics. If you can speak, and show less developmental delays as you get older, you're somehow mildly autistic. If you're a "low-functioner", you're inferior to those labeled with the so-called AS label from the so-called autistic spectrum.

And so on and so on.


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