Shock of shocks, I kind of agree with McJ, in a way. Of course prejudice is never "right," but there's a big difference between hating women because the ones you encounters messed you up, and thinking that women deserve rape, etc. I don't think I'd make a major issue of slight mysogyny until it actually lead to discrimination (which it doesn't always have to). Again, it's not "right," but it's not nessessarily something to make an issue of/worry about, in its milder forms.
Two more things to say on this topic.
1. I'm a little mysoginistic myself and readily admit it. If I say "women have no sense of direction," for example, and a guy buys it, I get lost easy because I'm female, not because I'm an idiot.

2. I can understand why some men would hate women, but that doesn't mean I won't bash them for whining about it, even if they're not actually discriminating against women. I may be lending evidence to the guy's view of women as bitchy, but he's probably giving me stupoppaneurocitis, so it's even.