
Author Topic: welcome to pwnage ascan  (Read 3700 times)

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Offline Lucifer

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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #45 on: October 12, 2006, 01:53:20 AM »
well yes, which is the superficial (in the true sense) stuff.  i'm looking at what lies behind it, and why people are doing what they're doing.  i'm just a died-in-the-wool nosy psychologist, at heart.  (so shoot me).

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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #46 on: October 12, 2006, 01:57:56 AM »
Um, yes. Right. If you come up with an answer, let me know. :)
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Lucifer

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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #47 on: October 12, 2006, 02:05:39 AM »
lol.  is there An Answer?  dunno.  i have various hypotheses, possibly even theories, but like i said, i can't be arsed spending the time getting them into a cohesive product for posting.  soz, and all that.

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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #48 on: October 12, 2006, 06:17:41 AM »
You have, Lucifer - these cretins are trying to get us shut down.

that makes more sense, now.  but do they actually have a snowball's chance in hell of being able to do so?  or is it all just pissing in the wind?

If you really must know, Vivi, it is because that any publicity is good publicity, as far as this community is concerned. You can see why one of the founders  of this place (points to McFaggs) is milking it for all its worth. :p

that makes sense, too.  tsk tsk, mcj.

as the O-master would say, "ah, fresh meat."

Offline McGiver

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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #49 on: October 12, 2006, 06:20:41 AM »
aren't i supposed to apologise for something, too?  although i haven't been able to work out for what, so far.

anyway, i'd still ban us, for about a cuntisecond, and then say you'd done it.  he'd have to shush, then, cos that's the deal.  unless he didn't, cos he hasn't really got A...

whoops - nearly closed the thread there: ohdearwouldn'tthatbeashame... :P


then you can all re-emerge as:

and we would be none the wiser.


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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #50 on: October 17, 2006, 09:26:09 PM »
Why would i want to re-emerge as HG2 when i could just come back as "the evil one" ;)
To be truthful it wouldnt bother me one bit weither i was banned or not, unlike Robert or Omega i dont have time for petty sniffling over things like this. Dunc you do what you need to, but i honestly dont believe you or the site have anything to worry about. If i can help with anything you know how to contact me.

The aspie thread Peegai posted a link to is full of the typical attention and revenge seeking bull that just makes most people like myself wanna yawn.

Omega using classic "boo hoo sniff sniff" excuses for added drama, sympathy and attention, no doubt hoping she could use something like that to aid in the quest of trying to close down intensity. (As i said before to her i was sorry if my comments regarding looking manly etc genuinely upset her THAT much but im not gonna apologise for admitting my role/honesty or looking out for someone who was my friend at the time. Im also sorry if she really was a past abuse survivor but alot of people have had VERY genuine traumatic experiences, but we dont all bloody milk it especially when it just happens to be conveniant to bring up). One of her posts looked like the transparent cliche kind of thing someone would be encouraged to narrate, milk and embellish to stick on an affidavit when trying to put forward a harrassment or psychological abuse claim.

Then theres hysterical Robert who stinks of jealousy/envy, acting mainly through denial and sheer bitterness, desperately investing his attentions on simply trying to shut the site down (Trying being the underlined word). Hes simply investing himself into his bitterness crusade, hiding from reality and trying to avoid the real issues. Even if he could get every site he wanted to shut down hes still gonna have to fall back to earth, face facts, live in the real world where alot of the time for most people not everything goes their way and not everyone responds to their feelings, reciprocates them the way they want etc, and he will need to learn when that happens you cant always lash out, blame other people, forums etc. He has alot to learn, especially about people and theres so many basic things he needs to come to terms with, also finding a way to deal with his unhealthy obsessions.

More importantly if he didnt have sites like intensity to vent his anger, frustratons etc via what else would he really have? what would he do then?, he would eventually have to think about things and no doubt aknowledge hes been taking for a bit of a ride so to speak (weither it was deliberately intentional on Omegas part or her naively thinking it would spare his feelings) and accept things are most likely not gonna turn out the way he wants them to as far as his "sweetie" goes (unless she caves and does what she told someone else she has had to do in the been unable to say no therefore having been blackmailed into relationships). Robert needs to grow up, get some hobbies and a real life girlfriend who reciprocates his advances, feelings and be part of something that isnt just fantasy. Obviously he has some personal issues to deal with, but well he can only get help with those if he is 100% straight up about the way he behaves etc and stops blaming other people, being in denial, seeing and hearing only what he wants to etc..

Omega (as much as it was made clear to me what a manipulative twisted bitch she was/is, and i doubt shes not got much integrity in her) if shes got a working heart at all, really needs to have a good think to herself about her part in what Robert has became, be honest with herself and find the balls to be straight up with him and aknowledge what shes started, because im sorry but i genuinely believe that the real reason for the main kick off and Roberts obsession with banning and shutting down intensity etc, is simply because he couldnt accept or handle the fact he was told his "sweetie" bragged to her buddies she had shagged someone else ie Ascan, and her feelings for him werent the same as the ones hed invested in her and he was being made a bit of a mug/chump, then her supposedly denying everything and soft soaping Robert, encouraging his nonsense, and saying everything was lies, people were just victimising her and trying to split them apart when he went to her, made things worse.

I do wonder being the type of person shes meant to be, weither she actually enjoyed watching Robert behaviour unfold and him going into a downward spiral, the same way she picked her time and tried to manipulate things praetor said to her and also took the photo thing out of context, milked it when there was no need, (seemingly still does) and started something but didnt want to finish it herself or want to listen to the facts. She refused to discuss it like an adult when she was approached via PM at the time and was given the opportunity to confront ME personally (before things had escalated) rather than use her dogs body who seemed to be lacking so much basic information yet working on her behalf. She was asked upfront if she wanted to discuss things, ask me whatever she liked and my reasons for MY comments and about why i had certain opinions of her etc. The reason i PMd her was genuine and with good intentions so it didnt cause further probs for the site, even though i already had an idea of what she was like and didnt think much of her as a person, i tried to give her the benefit of the doubt but she didnt care especially not about resolution, she was most likely more interested in milking things by playing the weak little girl victim, trying to exploit it for attention (which she obviously needs) and gutted things didnt go the way she had hoped/planned. As far as my PMs went i got juvenile responsese so thats all she got back from me in return and my not finding her existence worthy to aknowledge at all as she became more and more transparent and the original description i was given of her personality became even more believable and realistic.)

Roberts fantasy notion of his relationship with Omega is why he became so intent in finding excuses to destroy intensity and the members who were honest with him, (i dunno if Mcjagger has esacaped his list of evil people, since i got the blame of getting Mcjagger to lie, im personally glad i made the list, it says alot lol). Weither she wants to admit it or not, Omega is partly to blame for what Roberts became and the way hes lashing out. If she was straight with him from the beginning it would have caused less problems, i dont imagine he would have lost it as bad, and he would have atleast had a support network with some genuine people but she has even removed that from him by telling him how people were telling lies and feeding his fantasy and obsession so she can cover her arse.

Intensity isnt to blame for Roberts downfall or exploiting, encouraging or taking advantage of a vulnerable person, its his buddy who is the one doing that. (which has been seemingly obvious to most people except Robert, and even if he continues with those accusations regarding intensity, im sure that Omegas role will be transparent even to an outsider if they choose to investigate, especially if their attention is drawn to certain things, which he should think about if hes trying to place blame onto anyone, after all my mate spotted it before i even had time to point anything out, but then again hes used to dealing with certain types of people). Basically Robert needs to start using common sense and behaving like an adult. Omega just needs to realise that she made some errors in judgement, is responsible for certain things and needs to be more careful in the future, she keeps going on about this persons vulnerable, the next will freund etc, intensity is doing this, damaging this person blablalba, however she herself played the biggest part in fucking Robert up, messing with his head, encouraging him etc, someone she initially thought if i remember correctly was already a vulnerable person hence why she didnt want him joining intensity. A tad hypocritical me thinks. But hey, people learn from their mistakes eventually, lets just hope it doesnt take something disasterous to teach that lesson.

But im bored now, and possibly gonna go txt my boy, before hitting bed.

The evil one, over and out, and i better get some recognition for making my longest post ever. ;D ;)

« Last Edit: October 17, 2006, 09:45:26 PM by Hypnotica_Gaze »

Offline Lucifer

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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #51 on: October 18, 2006, 12:05:28 AM »
* Lucifer recognises HG.



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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #52 on: October 18, 2006, 11:15:33 AM »

Offline McGiver

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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #53 on: October 18, 2006, 11:23:51 AM »

Offline BadgerTom

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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #54 on: October 19, 2006, 11:05:06 PM »
well i would quote you HG but it'd take up way too much room, so instead, after reading it all, and understanding it all (even the typo's lol) i not only recognise, but appreciate that it took alot to say that (in more ways than one) and that ur gonna get mega karma for it too ;D

it just goes to show the lengths some people will go to destroy the minds of others... sickening really that some people can actively target and prey on the vunerable...   words cant describe what i am feeling now... its that bad...

RobertN, when you get back i hope you read these words and take them to heart, and just look at all the evidence and work it out for yourself... dont turn to anyone, friend or enemy for answers, just rely on your own feelings and hopefully you will realise whats going on...

anywho i dont want this to be my longest post ever so i'll stop here. 8)

Offline McGiver

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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #55 on: November 07, 2006, 08:00:45 PM »
as a remider.  i meant to edit my last post  directed at ascan on the intensity recruitment thread but alas, WP went down, yet again.

i mean to edit my post to read:

and oh!  i clarified my position which makes your argument null and void.

i said that you are good for a laugh.  yes, you amuse me.  the same as popping a zit and watching it shoot out and splatter all over the mirror.
becuase you provide some amusement to me, doesn't restore your credibility.


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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #56 on: November 07, 2006, 09:58:11 PM »
Nah Mcjagger, as far as uphisownasscan is concerned, the guys head seems so far up his arse, im surprised he doesnt need a guide dog, actually it would also explain his poor taste in poontang too. ;D

Yes i know im gonna burn, but i dont care. Karma is my friend. ;)

You still bothering with that fellow, McJagger? Surely colonic irrigation would be more fun (not to mention also more interesting) than exchanging posts with him and his "little gang of bitterness and projection" ;)

BTW i should take time to wave to everyone considering big brother is always watching. Probably lifting comments from my posts as we speak. :laugh:


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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #57 on: November 07, 2006, 10:05:17 PM »
BTW i should take time to wave to everyone considering big brother is always watching. Probably lifting comments from my posts as we speak. :laugh:

damnit!! how did you know I was RobertN's spy??  ;) ;D

Offline McGiver

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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #58 on: November 08, 2006, 03:04:54 AM »
Nah Mcjagger, as far as uphisownasscan is concerned, the guys head seems so far up his arse, im surprised he doesnt need a guide dog, actually it would also explain his poor taste in poontang too. ;D

Yes i know im gonna burn, but i dont care. Karma is my friend. ;)

You still bothering with that fellow, McJagger? Surely colonic irrigation would be more fun (not to mention also more interesting) than exchanging posts with him and his "little gang of bitterness and projection" ;)

BTW i should take time to wave to everyone considering big brother is always watching. Probably lifting comments from my posts as we speak. :laugh:
that does sound fun.

Offline BadgerTom

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Re: welcome to pwnage ascan
« Reply #59 on: November 08, 2006, 06:09:49 PM »
so does two lesbians playing seductively playing with a rusty spanner :P