Author Topic: Scatheap and TCO  (Read 3569 times)

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Scatheap and TCO
« on: October 26, 2010, 06:40:49 PM »
Seeing as TCO is locking topics everywhere to secure his insecurity, I decided to make a callout thread directed to both of you. Why? I'm bored and feel like having a shit stir. :orly:

TCO: Locking threads does not make you a winner, it just makes you a whiner. You only have proved your insecurity and general childishness. Think to yourself: What have you *actually* accomplished by participating in a flamewar directed towards someone who is equally an eejit as you? Why of all people, who makes all these claims along the lines such as "this is the internet, don't take it seriously" is acting like a fucking baby spitting the dummy because some cunt contradicts you? You're a bloody sham, TCO; you're inconsistent as fuck and even though you're old enough to be my dad, you act like someone half my age.... although my dad was a childish cunt too. :laugh:

Scatheap: I think you are similar to TCO for these reasons:

- You and him share the same insecurity. You also put people on ignore because you can't handle them.
- Both of you share the same childishness. When backed to a corner, you start flinging useless shit and do big tantrums. Remember the thread over people changing your karma for example? Soph can vouch for that, before you ask me to back it up. :orly:
- You deliberately ignore any faults people point out or defend yourself like a hurt animal. An example of this is when you conveiniately sidestepped my post that pointed out you also put people on ignore like TCO on his callout thread. You HAVE put people on ignore out of butthurt, yet you chose to deliberately ignore that fact.
- You share TCOs inconsistency. You call people out for hypocrisy when 90% of the time you do the exact same things as those people. You also claim similar shit like "don't take the internet seriously" and so on yet you don't practice on what you preach. While it is impossible to escape inconsistency and I too have been shown as a hypocrite over many things, at least I admit to it. The first problem here is when someone doesn't admit to it and chooses to be ignorant of it. The second problem is when they do it all the time, meaning they don't think before they try to post. You're supposed to be intelligent Scat, with your supposed 140 something IQ and all, this should be bloody easy for you. :orly:

Both of you haven't won anything, you have just shown your true colours. Whingy adult babies that make me look more mature (even though I'm immature and fairly thick), all while making complete twats of yourselves. You have accomplished nothing but hurt one another's gigantic egos and provide drama for the rest of us. Get the fuck over yourselves and leave nursery, take Rage and Richtard too.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2010, 06:44:30 PM »
Fuck you Shleed, I'm out of this. Play with your self in this one, cos I'll do WTF i like around here, and


Ream that little arsehole all you want, but this ain't my battle.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2010, 06:47:37 PM »
Shleed, you're wrong on at least 90% of what you said about me, but it's really not worth correcting since only you and possibly BintySoph share that belief. I can live with only 3 people not understanding me.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2010, 06:54:59 PM »
Shleed, you're wrong on at least 90% of what you said about me, but it's really not worth correcting since only you and possibly BintySoph share that belief. I can live with only 3 people not understanding me.

I don't like bint, so my opinion isn't due to being friends with them. Saying that alone means you're in denial of it, choosing to being ignorant of your faults.

I don't care if many people agree with me, but that does not mean you're immune to being called out for your bullshit.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2010, 06:55:55 PM »
Fuck you Shleed, I'm out of this. Play with your self in this one, cos I'll do WTF i like around here, and


Ream that little arsehole all you want, but this ain't my battle.

Enjoy your "victory" then.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2010, 07:08:11 PM »
Shleed, you're wrong on at least 90% of what you said about me, but it's really not worth correcting since only you and possibly BintySoph share that belief. I can live with only 3 people not understanding me.

I don't like bint, so my opinion isn't due to being friends with them. Saying that alone means you're in denial of it, choosing to being ignorant of your faults.

I don't care if many people agree with me, but that does not mean you're immune to being called out for your bullshit.

I didn't claim that your belief was DUE to Bint&Soph, just that you shared it.

Saying what alone means I'm in denial of what??


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2010, 07:14:17 PM »
I didn't claim that your belief was DUE to Bint&Soph, just that you shared it.

I got the impression that you do, by the way you worded it.

Saying what alone means I'm in denial of what??

Selective reading, basically. You just did it again.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2010, 07:22:36 PM »
You're not making any sense shleed. 'splain yourself or STFU.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2010, 07:26:35 PM »
I already did on my first post. I even gave examples! :LOL:

- You ignored bint and soph because you were scrutinized over your lickarse attitude towards Les.
- You use the term bintsoph yet you share many traits to them in terms of blindly following the opinions of others.
- You took the piss out of TCO because be put you on ignore, yet you have put people on ignore too, making you a hypocrite.

Any clearer? I could sive through your posts if you want more examples.

EDIT: Added a couple of examples.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2010, 07:32:53 PM by Shleed. »

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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2010, 07:30:42 PM »
I see you struck a nerve shleed :plus:
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2010, 08:50:26 PM »
- You ignored bint and soph because you were scrutinized over your lickarse attitude towards Les.

I put biny and soph on ignore becasue they were spamming the site with shit.  FAIL

- You use the term bintsoph yet you share many traits to them in terms of blindly following the opinions of others.

I don't follow the opinion of anyone. This site is full of examples of me going against most everyone.  FAIL

- You took the piss out of TCO because be put you on ignore, yet you have put people on ignore too, making you a hypocrite.

I didnt' "take the piss out" I was just pointing to the fact that he couldn't make up his fucking mind.  FAIL


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2010, 11:07:36 PM »
Scraptard still wants to fuck with me, so:

Scrap apparently failed at elementary school. He took his report card, covered in 'F's home to his dad, who said 'shit, if I'd have known you were this big a failure, I'd have worn a rubber when I'd fucked that no good mother of yours'. Then his mother saw the report, and said 'if I'd have known what a failure you'd turn out to be, I'd have cut your dad's dick off the night we met and done a Lorena Bobbitt to it. But I'd have chopped the fucker up with a mincer first.

That was before they tried to blow their heads off, which obviously proves failure runs in Scraptard's family. Hell, his grandmother even failed whoring herself on Hollywood and Vine back in the 20s. She had to PAY the Johns for a root, to which they said 'no thanks, if we wanted ugly we'd try the zoo'.

Hey, you think I'm abusing you now, wait til I get started.

Either he quits following me all over the forum and posting his bullshit, or I post even worse shit than this. And believe me, I will get nasty if need be.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2010, 11:20:17 PM »
I put biny and soph on ignore becasue they were spamming the site with shit.  FAIL

No, I don't think you did it due to their spamming. They pointed out your bullshit beforehand and you couldn't take the heat, as far as I remember. The spamming and flaming was mostly aimed towards les, you acted more like his lapdog.

I don't follow the opinion of anyone. This site is full of examples of me going against most everyone.  FAIL
You had your tongue so far stuck up Les's arse that it was ridiculous. I highly doubt they provoked you, you just seemed to pounce in because Les got a few verbal hits. :'(

But do you honestly believe your opinions are 100% individual? Do you believe a human is actually capable of independant thought, even though humans develop their thoughts and ideas off others even when they don't realise it?

I didnt' "take the piss out" I was just pointing to the fact that he couldn't make up his fucking mind.  FAIL

Says the person who can't even make up his own mind half the time. Thinking doesn't involve anal rimming, or typing FAIL over and over as some shit attempt to make your post more valid.

You're trying to bullshit your way out of this since your reasons of putting people on ignore are the same petty, childish reasons that TCO did it.

Scraptard still wants to fuck with me, so:

Scrap apparently failed at elementary school. He took his report card, covered in 'F's home to his dad, who said 'shit, if I'd have known you were this big a failure, I'd have worn a rubber when I'd fucked that no good mother of yours'. Then his mother saw the report, and said 'if I'd have known what a failure you'd turn out to be, I'd have cut your dad's dick off the night we met and done a Lorena Bobbitt to it. But I'd have chopped the fucker up with a mincer first.

That was before they tried to blow their heads off, which obviously proves failure runs in Scraptard's family. Hell, his grandmother even failed whoring herself on Hollywood and Vine back in the 20s. She had to PAY the Johns for a root, to which they said 'no thanks, if we wanted ugly we'd try the zoo'.

Hey, you think I'm abusing you now, wait til I get started.

Either he quits following me all over the forum and posting his bullshit, or I post even worse shit than this. And believe me, I will get nasty if need be.

Oh shut up, you might aswell be his twin brother. Stop following each other, more like.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2010, 11:25:39 PM »
Shleed, you're not the one who decides what's going through my head.

Fuck the hell off!!  :finger:


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2010, 11:28:51 PM »
There's more:

Apparently when Scrap FINALLY got out of elementary school at age 21 (they had no choice, all the kids were embarassed to be in the same class as him), he got shove into some learning program for the severely retarded. They couldn't work out what level to teach him, so they just threw pencils and paper at him and told him to muddle through it. After 10 years of this, they decided that enough was enough and asked the services whether they would take him, you know, for discipline etc. The Army said no, so they tried the Navy. They said 'no, try the Air Force'. The Air Force said fuck off, try the marines. The marines took him, but couldn't think of what to do with him. So they told him to do KP and shine everyone's boots.

Well, after not very long he got tossed from there, because he kept using the wrong polish on the boots, and fucked up all the equipment in the kitchen. The Camp Colonel said 'I don't care what you do with him, just get him out of here!' before swallowing a bottle of Valium.

So since then, Ol' Scrap has been sitting in a room somewhere in California, behind a computer spewing out bullshit and dreaming of things that others have done, but things that he cannot possibly hope to achieve, being the failure he is. And in that period he has also become an alcoholic and meth head, downing 6 packs of cheap crappy beer and plonk and wasting his dole checks on whatever low grade meth he can scrounge up from the Puerto Ricans in his neighbourhood. At 39, this poor, slob of a failure is on a one way ticket to oblivion. The only problem is, his IQ of 75 is stopping him from seeing it.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2010, 11:33:32 PM by Steve-O »