Didn't you say you'd ended this before in the thread about banning you or scrapheap?
I just had a great idea!
We'll declare a truce between myself and TCO. First person to violate it gets banned!!! 
Good idea, but I think you already did it earlier.
Anyway, I'm ending this shit NOW!

The first post TCO made after accepting the "truce" was to violate it.
Hoisted by his own petard!!!

Whatever. Jesus on toothpick, you are so fucking dense it's unbelievable. Why your mother didn't abort you no-one will ever know, given you are a waste of humanity. Shit, I'm surprised your genepool even got as far as it did considering the amount of failures amongst it. What a Wally. Hell, even a 2 year old could out argue you, and I've been kicking your arse as well, so yeah, you've been outgunned from both ends of the scale. So much for that 'college' education you keep bragging about. Where did you get your degree? Captain Krunch box? Or did you print something off the net and write your name in the appropriate space. Hell, I bet you even spelled that wrong too, given your pisswek grammar on here.
Those aren't typos that Scrap makes, they are examples of his lack of proper education. And examples of why his family's genepool has been stuffed from the start.
Do us all a favour and stick your head in an oven, Scrap. But knowing you it'd be an electric one.