
Author Topic: Scatheap and TCO  (Read 3570 times)

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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2010, 11:31:58 PM »
Shleed, you're not the one who decides what's going through my head.

Fuck the hell off!!  :finger:

Got him!!  :hahaha:

You are obviously too fucked to be able to make the decision, so someone has to do it for you.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2010, 11:46:04 PM »
Shleed, you're not the one who decides what's going through my head.

Fuck the hell off!!  :finger:


What's the matter? Going to put me on ignore too yet claim you don't care? Going to say how much I FAIL and then tell me to fuck off again with extra :finger: :finger: :finger: s next post? You could point out my faults or general inconsistencies (I'm sure I made a few on this thread) if you wanted instead of the typical angsty teen posts, but I won't be pulling a tantrum.

You're full of hot air, Scat. Self-important eejit who uses general ahayes tactics to bullshit your way through, along with a view that the people who disagree with you are to be put on ignore. I don't need to prove this as it is pretty obvious, whether you realise it or not is entirelly up to you actually admitting to your insecurities.

Got him!!  :hahaha:

You are obviously too fucked to be able to make the decision, so someone has to do it for you.

I thought you were done with this bullshit. More of your inconsistent bullshit.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #17 on: October 26, 2010, 11:46:08 PM »
Just remember, Scatheap:

Those who claim moral high fround usually find themselves up to their neck in their own shit.

Pity there isn't a gas mask handy for you.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2010, 11:47:47 PM »
Just remember, Scatheap:

Those who claim moral high fround usually find themselves up to their neck in their own shit.

Pity there isn't a gas mask handy for you.

You go on the Ivory tower of morality aswell.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2010, 11:48:23 PM »
Shleed, you're not the one who decides what's going through my head.

Fuck the hell off!!  :finger:


What's the matter? Going to put me on ignore too yet claim you don't care? Going to say how much I FAIL and then tell me to fuck off again with extra :finger: :finger: :finger: s next post? You could point out my faults or general inconsistencies (I'm sure I made a few on this thread) if you wanted instead of the typical angsty teen posts, but I won't be pulling a tantrum.

You're full of hot air, Scat. Self-important eejit who uses general ahayes tactics to bullshit your way through, along with a view that the people who disagree with you are to be put on ignore. I don't need to prove this as it is pretty obvious, whether you realise it or not is entirelly up to you actually admitting to your insecurities.

Got him!!  :hahaha:

You are obviously too fucked to be able to make the decision, so someone has to do it for you.

I thought you were done with this bullshit. More of your inconsistent bullshit.

Who cares? Words on a screen. I'll do what I want, as I said. Inconsistent Schminconsistent. Who gives a fuck?


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2010, 11:49:23 PM »
Just remember, Scatheap:

Those who claim moral high fround usually find themselves up to their neck in their own shit.

Pity there isn't a gas mask handy for you.

You go on the Ivory tower of morality aswell.

But at least I'll be standing on Scrap's shoulders when he goes under.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2010, 11:50:28 PM »
Shleed, you're not the one who decides what's going through my head.

Fuck the hell off!!  :finger:


What's the matter? Going to put me on ignore too yet claim you don't care? Going to say how much I FAIL and then tell me to fuck off again with extra :finger: :finger: :finger: s next post? You could point out my faults or general inconsistencies (I'm sure I made a few on this thread) if you wanted instead of the typical angsty teen posts, but I won't be pulling a tantrum.

You're full of hot air, Scat. Self-important eejit who uses general ahayes tactics to bullshit your way through, along with a view that the people who disagree with you are to be put on ignore. I don't need to prove this as it is pretty obvious, whether you realise it or not is entirelly up to you actually admitting to your insecurities.

Got him!!  :hahaha:

You are obviously too fucked to be able to make the decision, so someone has to do it for you.

I thought you were done with this bullshit. More of your inconsistent bullshit.

Who cares? Words on a screen. I'll do what I want, as I said. Inconsistent Schminconsistent. Who gives a fuck?

You seem to give a fuck. I'm only trying to make you realise that.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2010, 11:54:54 PM »
Shleed, you're not the one who decides what's going through my head.

Fuck the hell off!!  :finger:


What's the matter? Going to put me on ignore too yet claim you don't care? Going to say how much I FAIL and then tell me to fuck off again with extra :finger: :finger: :finger: s next post? You could point out my faults or general inconsistencies (I'm sure I made a few on this thread) if you wanted instead of the typical angsty teen posts, but I won't be pulling a tantrum.

You're full of hot air, Scat. Self-important eejit who uses general ahayes tactics to bullshit your way through, along with a view that the people who disagree with you are to be put on ignore. I don't need to prove this as it is pretty obvious, whether you realise it or not is entirelly up to you actually admitting to your insecurities.

Got him!!  :hahaha:

You are obviously too fucked to be able to make the decision, so someone has to do it for you.

I thought you were done with this bullshit. More of your inconsistent bullshit.

Who cares? Words on a screen. I'll do what I want, as I said. Inconsistent Schminconsistent. Who gives a fuck?

You seem to give a fuck. I'm only trying to make you realise that.

Not any longer, dude. I'm now in it for lulz. So fucking what if I say one thing and then something else. It's not a life or death situation here. As someone said earlier, all this shit will be dead and buried in a week. Dramas come and go. I may have gotten pissed, sure. But why the fuck should I stop posting just because he says so? Or you or anyone else? I'm who I am, and nothing's gonna change that.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2010, 11:55:47 PM »


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2010, 11:57:36 PM »

Your opinion.  :indeed:

But in the scheme of things, counts for nothing.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #25 on: October 27, 2010, 12:04:08 AM »

Your opinion.  :indeed:

But in the scheme of things, counts for nothing.

So the massive tantrums are all just lulz eh? :orly:

I should try that sometime, all I need to do is become a sensitive fucktard and get offended by another sensitive fucktard online.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #26 on: October 27, 2010, 12:17:32 AM »
What's the matter? Going to put me on ignore too yet claim you don't care? Going to say how much I FAIL and then tell me to fuck off again with extra :finger: :finger: :finger: s next post? You could point out my faults or general inconsistencies (I'm sure I made a few on this thread) if you wanted instead of the typical angsty teen posts, but I won't be pulling a tantrum.

You're full of hot air, Scat. Self-important eejit who uses general ahayes tactics to bullshit your way through, along with a view that the people who disagree with you are to be put on ignore. I don't need to prove this as it is pretty obvious, whether you realise it or not is entirelly up to you actually admitting to your insecurities.


Keep you day job shleed, you suck balls as a shrink.  :facepalm2: This pile of steaming shit isn't even worth resopnding to.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #27 on: October 27, 2010, 12:20:57 AM »

Your opinion.  :indeed:

But in the scheme of things, counts for nothing.

So the massive tantrums are all just lulz eh? :orly:

I should try that sometime, all I need to do is become a sensitive fucktard and get offended by another sensitive fucktard online.

I'm in it for lulz NOW, obviously there are some things people around here don't comprehend. You, being aspie should realise that consistency on a forum like this is the LAST thing you are gonna get. That's the reason the threads here go off track, and people ramble on about whatever shit. Disorder is common amongst auties and aspies.

Now I know you are gonna say 'WTF are you talking about... You're NT. How would you KNOW?' Been here long enough to work some of you out.

Let's face it, you admitted your inconsistencies. AND your cuntiness. So how can you preach about moral high ground there? You've said you've been a hypocrite on several occasions, well, so what if others are hypocritical as well? I wanted Scrap off my back cos of his petty dumbfuckery, he decided he wasn't gonna play ball, I chucked a wobbly. Big fucking deal. What if PPK or Trig did the same, would you give them the same shit? Or cbc or any of the others? If you thought Scrap was being such a gimboid over it, why didn't you tell him to STFU before it got this far? I'll tell you, cos YOU were in it for the lulz as well. Then you said you'd had enough, and decided to run it your way.

Anyway, it's obvious this is getting nowhere, and neither of us are going to agree.


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #28 on: October 27, 2010, 04:29:37 AM »

Keep you day job shleed, you suck balls as a shrink.  :facepalm2: This pile of steaming shit isn't even worth resopnding to.

I wasn't trying to be a shrink, just pointing out things that are pretty much obvious. You're trying to wrangle out of it rather than explain yourself.

So now you're pretending not to care, that's good. Not a typical tactic of yours, however you do find it hard to not care about what people say. If you honestly think what I'm saying is bullshit, you wouldn't have even touched this thread unless you're uncredibly bored (such as I was when I made this thread, as I said I wanted drama) but I'd likely believe the former due to your past posts. You may deny it, but denial seems to be your speciality eh? ;)


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Re: Scatheap and TCO
« Reply #29 on: October 27, 2010, 04:41:13 AM »
I'm in it for lulz NOW, obviously there are some things people around here don't comprehend. You, being aspie should realise that consistency on a forum like this is the LAST thing you are gonna get. That's the reason the threads here go off track, and people ramble on about whatever shit. Disorder is common amongst auties and aspies.

I still disagree that you're doing it for the "lulz". You're just not admitting to being fucktard, and now you're trying to fuck around so people will not bother you as much.

Now I know you are gonna say 'WTF are you talking about... You're NT. How would you KNOW?' Been here long enough to work some of you out.

I couldn't give a shit if you are NT or not. You have to be brought out for your bullshit like the rest of us spastics.

Let's face it, you admitted your inconsistencies. AND your cuntiness. So how can you preach about moral high ground there?

I'm preaching no moral highground, I even said my intention of this thread was to get drama.

You've said you've been a hypocrite on several occasions, well, so what if others are hypocritical as well?

I normally don't give a shit unless said hypocritical person doesn't admit to it and/or does it all the time. I have accused Scat more for hypocrisy than you.

I wanted Scrap off my back cos of his petty dumbfuckery, he decided he wasn't gonna play ball, I chucked a wobbly. Big fucking deal. What if PPK or Trig did the same, would you give them the same shit? Or cbc or any of the others? If you thought Scrap was being such a gimboid over it, why didn't you tell him to STFU before it got this far? I'll tell you, cos YOU were in it for the lulz as well. Then you said you'd had enough, and decided to run it your way.

I doubt PPK would cause so much drama. I'd really piss on Trigger11 though, maybe there's an idea for another callout thread. :laugh:

I think Scat is a cunt, but I rather enjoy bringing him out in the open rather than tell him to shut up. Telling a person to shut up online does not work, you only shut yourself up by blocking/putting them on ignore. They can still fling shit about you.

Anyway, it's obvious this is getting nowhere, and neither of us are going to agree.

I don't care much if you or Scat think I'm some eejit for making this thread, however the only way to stop this is to purely ignore me without some wanky ignore function.