Are you another weeble?
Maybe an upside-down weeble. Unfortunately I do fall down a lot if I'm not paying attention.
Do you give good oral?
Are you into anal?
Will you post n00dz of yourself?
Not sure about the oral. I am good with my hands.
Do you like anal? Goody!

<twang> Bend over, boyfriend! /red-neck twang
As for the n00dz, what do I get out of it? I don't want to see n00dz of you, so that's out!
Gorgeous cat! Boy or girl? Siamese, Burmese, what breed? We must know more! 
Zeke was a he, but I had him improved.

He was a foundling. I fed him from a bottle from when he was about 3 days old. Obviously, he's got a lot of Siamese/Burmese -- he could be purebred for all I know, but the genotype(?) is pretty dominant so I can only guess. The pic is from a few years ago. He's 15 yrs. old now.