Yes, you stupid imbecile. It's about time I actually did a callout on your faggoty little arse.
Ever since that so called bullshit that YOU kept bringing up, you have been after my arse to conform to your bullshit expectations of what someone should be on this site. You say I'm a liar, and unstable, yet it's YOU who continually stick his foot in his oversized mouth.
All I did lately was mention playing in some bands, and then you assumed it was something pissweak, because you think you are SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER and that your shit don't stink. You then make these claims about this and that, and when I say 'bullshit' like you have done to me, you then get your fucking knickers in a twist and get all choked up and call for backup. Then when I say I don't give a fuck what you did, you get even more butthurt because I won't play to your rules.
Ah, rules.... that's another issue. You complain that we aren't a modded site, and want to have areas that can be kept on track etc. Then when you are told about, say Dunc's Law or something, you spit the dummy cos I was 'implementing' it. Has all the dope, booze and other illicit drugs you swallow by the truckload fried that 'college' brain so much that you have no idea of what you are doing or saying?
To me you will always be a fucking loser, and you are obviously trying to challenge richatard and Randy for being the biggest idiot on the site.
Now you might just try to make out like it's all my fault..... You were the cunt that got butthurt at WP, you were the faggot that got banned there before I did, then came back and posted pm's publicly and got his arse reamed, you were the one who couldn't let it go after 3 fucking years. I'm sure Nurse Ratched and the rest of the crew can't wait to give you your next dose of ECT, seeing as it's long fucking overdue.
Now go and suck richard's
BIG FUCKING PETER like we know you want to.