Love that bug D

I can see all points of view with regards to this topic, but my man does all this stuff on his dirt bike. He has broken numerous bones and slammed in to tress and flown off cliffs and so on. He does not have a "fear on" button, and too be honest, I have always found it intriguing, despite the fact that it scares the shit out of me. It is probably the reason why I love him so much. he is the anti-thesis of me.
Testosterone plays a large part in the ability to take risks, as well as personality. Where would we be in our understanding of the world if we did not have people who took risks? Adventurers, explorers, astronauts, pilots and so on. I mean, I think jumping out of a plane even with a parachute is madness, but it is a calculated risk generally. The person doing it has some understanding of the risk, but calculated risk does not change the world or educate us. It is the mad people who say "Fuck physics!" that actually achieve something, even if they die in the process. I am not talking about Jackass or even my fiance. Him flying off cliffs does not change our perception of the world, BUT, he has this innate desire to test limits and explore places people fear to tread. If he dies doing something he loves and cannot live without, then who am I to stop him? I would not want him to ask that of me.
He has exercised more common sense since becoming a step father, but there is still this fire that burns bright within him. It makes him And freedom is what we are all looking for, no matter in what guise it presents itself.