If I look that young, it has generally worked against me. Maybe mental health professionals, police, teachers and so on would have taken me more seriously if I looked older. That is why occasionally I will wear makeup if I want to be taken seriously.
No joke, but up until the age of about 21, I had short hair. I was often mistaken for a guy. I was a late developer due to all the years of ballet that I did, so I had the body of a 15 year old boy until I was about 20.
So, I should take being asked for ID as a compliment, but it takes me back to all the years that I was never listened to. Like Steve-o said, young looks with mild Autistic mannerisms makes Loup a dull boy

. It also made it very hard to tell people how sick I was until medicine could prove it. For about 3 years I thought I was dying, but because I looked so young and healthy, people thought I was being a hypochondriac
Probably why I was so agro for so many years, and still am sometimes.