Author Topic: That fuckin' peter... :G  (Read 2610 times)

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That fuckin' peter... :G
« on: October 16, 2010, 05:56:14 PM »
I have changed my mind, I'm making a callout thread. A rarity for me, since I normally don't like bringing attention to myself. Your bullshit inspired me, and also so that you and I won't be ruining good threads. :orly:

You do realise that you are a major hypocrite in all of this? Not only you are a whore yourself, you also are not the upstanding good citizen *you* try to come off to be. An example of your fakeness is bringing up what me and Flake did on ZOMG to show your disgust like some morally righteous cuntwit. But you forget a few things:

- You basically wank on videos online and disgust people with photos of your stained underware, for fuck sake!
- You yourself have antagonised people, the *same* thing you're calling me out for. You have threatened to leave i2 because people started to call you out for that.

I am a person who is brutally honest and I will shamelessly annoy people I don't like for laughs. This does not indicate that I fancy myself as someone who's better than everyone, as I have a fair amount of flaws and openly admit to them. I have no delusions of granduer or anything like that, I'm just a typical grumpy Irish fat cunt who dislikes most people (yet finds them fascinating at the same time). I also never fancied myself as some morally righteous being, as you accuse me of. At the same time, I normally don't care much if people seen me as a pretentious tool.

But I take an exception with this one despite my normal indifference, as your claims are that ridiculous. It isn't the percieved hypocrisy that bothers me much as I have been a hypocrite many times before, so has everyone else. But pointing the finger and shouting "hypocrisy" like a mongoloid with a dictionary as the backbone for your accusations that I'm apparently just like Chair..... is *the* most retarded thing I've ever heard. Especially as I pointed out earlier, you are also a hypocrite since you do the same things that you accuse others of.

Richard, perhaps you should try to be a bit more consistent on your posts. Although no one is hypocrisy free, we can still try to keep it at a minimum. If you keep on doing what you do without regard of your own actions, then you won't make sense at all. It certainly seemed like that. :zoinks:


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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2010, 06:12:25 PM »
But pointing the finger and shouting "hypocrisy" like a mongoloid with a dictionary as the backbone for your accusations that I'm apparently just like Chair..... is *the* most retarded thing I've ever heard. Especially as I pointed out earlier, you are also a hypocrite since you do the same things that you accuse others of.

Actually, this makes no sense when I read it again. I'm half alseep. :LOL:


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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2010, 08:24:59 PM »
Dude. no shit im a whore! ever since practicly, my first day here I've posted pictures of my cock or asshole.
Just go back and search my posts, I'm not ashamed of anything i've posted here. I got mad that one time about my underwares because weakling kept bringing it up out of left feild in unrelated topics, Wich now that i look back at it i probably should have handled it better, and just ignored it but oh well.

 So why you brought that up, is beyond anyones guess, EVERYONE knows i am a whore LOl. I was basically having fun with kaileen, But my origional intent wasnt to get into a bitchfight with her. she kept getting into an argument, that i was having with That wigger faggot. It was none of her business, and I decided to have some fun with her online by Calling her a whore.  :zoinks:

Thats when you decided to put on your halloween costume early and act, like the superhero you are.
 super fucking dumbie to the rescue! and start ruining that tits topic. I would have fuckerd off by tomorrow and left kaileen alone. it was just for the moment...

Now we are here, Frankly i think your a piece of fucking vile shit, what you did on zOMG with flake was more than trolling, you were a fat cunt then. and still are, and you have it quit wrong, I'm not acting like a Model citizen, you are! I find it more than a bit funny that you are calling a fellow troll/spammer/whatever out on his BS later here when YOU acted in a similar fashion, you fucking fat chupracabra. Thats hypocricy, also how did you get back your respect here? after that whole Zomg fiasco? and yes, when you dont allow someone a second chance, much how like what your doing to chair, IT does make you look like your better than him.

 At this point, Since you so elequently said, "everyones a hypocrite" there's really no point to your topics/posts, other than to cause drama. and  I LOVE drama so guess what? Im gonna follow your hairy little ass around here from now on and practicly make it a living hell, because not only do i not forget what you did to soph, your just an asshole. that needs to be reminded of it every goddamn time. I need some adventure in my life and your migit ass is my ticket for the best one i've ever have. I'll be cashin' that bitch in tonite!

enjoy the rest of your time here
« Last Edit: October 16, 2010, 09:28:16 PM by richard »


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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2010, 09:31:14 PM »
:popcorn: :beergrin:

Settles in by the fire.


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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2010, 01:32:51 AM »
So why you brought that up, is beyond anyones guess, EVERYONE knows i am a whore LOl. I was basically having fun with kaileen, But my origional intent wasnt to get into a bitchfight with her. she kept getting into an argument, that i was having with That wigger faggot. It was none of her business, and I decided to have some fun with her online by Calling her a whore.  :zoinks:

The typical "I was only messing about" excuse. You were caught with your trousers down.

Thats when you decided to put on your halloween costume early and act, like the superhero you are.
 super fucking dumbie to the rescue! and start ruining that tits topic. I would have fuckerd off by tomorrow and left kaileen alone. it was just for the moment...

Technically you were ruining it before I even got there. Why be in denial of it? Why even say you were going to stop? It only comes off to me that you know right well. As for myself, I couldn't care less what thread it was. I only made this thread because people basically wanted tits more than some silly bullshit.

Now we are here, Frankly i think your a piece of fucking vile shit, what you did on zOMG with flake was more than trolling, you were a fat cunt then. and still are, and you have it quit wrong, I'm not acting like a Model citizen, you are! I find it more than a bit funny that you are calling a fellow troll/spammer/whatever out on his BS later here when YOU acted in a similar fashion, you fucking fat chupracabra. Thats hypocricy, also how did you get back your respect here? after that whole Zomg fiasco? and yes, when you dont allow someone a second chance, much how like what your doing to chair, IT does make you look like your better than him.

You contradicted yourself right there. Mentioning what I did on ZOMG like you're disgusted about it gives the impression that you want to appear morally better. Myself, I don't care much on what I done in ZOMG. I don't see it as something that I should be ashamed of. Soph was a whiny bint back then and I wanted to piss her off. I'm glad she had grown up since, now I respect her a bit more.

I called you out for your bullshit mainly because you are in complete denial of it, ie. like Chair. You denied being a whore and you got rather defensive of it, right after you called kaileen a whore for example. Chair did the same be being in denial of being serious about his bullshit, rather using the troll excuse to cover up his bullshit. Since I don't like people who act like morons and make excuses for it later, I've a great urge to methaphorically slap them around the head. At least I don't make excuses for my actions, no matter how stupid they are. And believe me, I've done quite a few cockups in my time.

I got my respect back here because pointed out odeon's bullshit on DV, after pea made him temporary admin to sort out issues. Instead of sorting out issues, he decided to ban people he did not like (such as myself). Straight after, my account on i2 was unbanned and we left it as past history.

At this point, Since you so elequently said, "everyones a hypocrite" there's really no point to your topics/posts, other than to cause drama. and  I LOVE drama so guess what? Im gonna follow your hairy little ass around here from now on and practicly make it a living hell, because not only do i not forget what you did to soph, your just an asshole. that needs to be reminded of it every goddamn time. I need some adventure in my life and your migit ass is my ticket for the best one i've ever have. I'll be cashin' that bitch in tonite!

Actually you've more entertained me rather than make my experience here a "living hell". :laugh:

Don't you think that saying I need to be "reminded of it every goddamn time" sound a bit obsessive? You make it look like I keep it a dirty little secret, while in actual fact I'm not ashamed of what I did. Why are you trying to make me feel guilty for something I'm glad I did? It just doesn't work, you silly prick. :laugh:

And yes, everyone is a hypocrite. Sometimes it can be unavoidable or even useful depending on the situation. However, it's the people who are in complete denial of it that are the ones who should be called out for it. Chair was in denial of it, you were too. Yes, I'm aware you'll say I'm a hypocrite for that line, but I don't see myself as a hypocrite in terms of my cuntery mainly because I *always* have acted a cunt and never did try to come off as some white knighting moron. In other words, I'm blatantly honest about it. If you're blatantly honest on what you do, then how is that hypocrisy? This is why I called you out, because I found what you said confusing and retarded.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 01:35:32 AM by Shleed. »

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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2010, 03:18:42 AM »
I don't really know what happened between you two, but since my name is involved here, i'll join
(and before you start bitching about it again, I have every right to join any conversation I want to)

I only backed up zegh in that one thread, cause you're retarded and refused to admit he's not black, followed him around the forum and bitched about every post he made, claiming that "everyone else" is being pissed off too (while "everyone else"= "no one" in this case. one one was fucking pissed off) and also claiming you're not offended (yeah right ::) ) you clearly misunderstood the point of his thread so i was just letting you know
then you called me whore for posting random boobs (again, they were NOT mine, since you obviously refuse to get that fact) in the boobs thread (which makes no sense ), while being whore yourself, then saying how you hate whores and then saying you watch online porn (no, those girls there are definitely not whores ::) ) and you did not sound like you were just having fun, incoherently insulting me..

my guess is, you have some unresolved issues, or you're just fucking retarded. you should think before posting, cause you're confusing and don't make any sense..
"Me divierto en arrancar del pecho mi mismo corazón...

un cadáver más qué importa al mundo?"


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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2010, 03:34:29 AM »
I honestly think he is retarded myself. Perhaps he should stop shoving his rocks up his arse?


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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2010, 06:30:45 AM »
Thats enough out of you whoreleen. i have no unresolved issues, Zeg is a fucking idiot. with his random fucking internet noises, and posting a topic with a million x's in them. i tease the guy because hes so fucking fun online,

 i know you dont care about what you did on zomg shleed. thats because your self importance is way overblown by mostley you. Im shure you and flake did more than trolling but i have a bad memory, and dont remember all too well. i do remember you harrasing soph, to the point of her having to become admin here temporarily. you can ask callaway

because you and flaketard were trying to find out where else she posted, or whatever. So looking back your no different IN MY OPINION than chair, just because you think your "brutally honest" and dont hide the fact that your a cunt doesnt mean your fucking any different than him you fucking chubby little internet angel

 and i just think people should see you for you are and not befriend your hairy ass. who knows what you'll do? you might resort back to your chair days as soon as you have found out you've had enough of them, or think its ok to razz them online.

in closing you shed no light on anything, im shure i have, because there's alot of new guys here that dont remember your old, self. i personally think your jelouse of my awesomeness online. thats why you jumped into that tits conversation, that little chair like personality came back and wanted some of the action

 and you are a hypocrite shleed, and a condencending liar. everyone is,  :zoinks:

i'm still gonna have my fun online with anyone i feel like it, so please try not to make these call out topics everytime i tease someone online  :-*
« Last Edit: October 17, 2010, 06:32:56 AM by richard »

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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2010, 06:42:19 AM »
I also think It's weird that ZEGH behaves like he does, I really don't get the guy sometimes :-\


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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2010, 06:50:30 AM »
because you and flaketard were trying to find out where else she posted, or whatever.
Flake did the spamming and search for personal info. I just spammed and trolled. Flake did have similar traits to Chair, in the sense that he loved stalking people. I'm not the kind to collect people's phone numbers or any of that shit.

and i just think people should see you for you are and not befriend your hairy ass. who knows what you'll do? you might resort back to your chair days as soon as you have found out you've had enough of them, or think its ok to razz them online.

I don't care much if people don't like me. But I agree, I don't get why people like me despite my cuntyness. :laugh:

in closing you shed no light on anything, im shure i have, because there's alot of new guys here that dont remember your old, self.
I'm hardly going to tell my entire life story to every new member, but the info is there if they wish to search. I have no "old self", I still am who I was back then, just that I'm less likely to troll these days.

i personally think your jelouse of my awesomeness online.

Ah, so you are pretty much like Chair then. What exactly makes you awesome? :laugh:

and you are a hypocrite shleed, and a condencending liar. everyone is,  :zoinks:

I only condescend to the condescenders. :orly:

i'm still gonna have my fun online with anyone i feel like it, so please try not to make these call out topics everytime i tease someone online  :-*

Okay, when did I make this in defense of the likes of kaileen etc? Don't try to weasel out of this one... whoops, you accused me of that too huh? :orly:

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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2010, 06:55:21 AM »
Richard is the king of "No yuo". Apt since he can not spell, has hopeless grammar. Put that with a retarded fascination with buying lumps of rocks that he can not afford and a propensity to post himself wanking and we get a glimpse of just how "awesome online" he is.

Retard I think is a good a guess as any to describe the fuckwit.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap


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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2010, 07:57:39 AM »
And look who it is, the male Ticker. nice to see you again, have anything completely DEVESTATING
 happen to you lately?

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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2010, 08:29:56 AM »
And look who it is, the male Ticker. nice to see you again, have anything completely DEVESTATING
 happen to you lately?

You spelled "Devastating" wrong.  :orly:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2010, 08:37:13 AM »
its been scientifically proven that it doesnt matter how one spells, if you gte msto fo teh correct wodrs ni there the brain automaticaly knows the word

and i dont care about my spelling and grammer reguardless. i know its sucks

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Re: That fuckin' peter... :G
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2010, 08:44:19 AM »
its been scientifically proven that it doesnt matter how one spells, if you gte msto fo teh correct wodrs ni there the brain automaticaly knows the word

Except for spelling tests.
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.