Dude. no shit im a whore! ever since practicly, my first day here I've posted pictures of my cock or asshole.
Just go back and search my posts, I'm not ashamed of anything i've posted here. I got mad that one time about my underwares because weakling kept bringing it up out of left feild in unrelated topics, Wich now that i look back at it i probably should have handled it better, and just ignored it but oh well.
So why you brought that up, is beyond anyones guess, EVERYONE knows i am a whore LOl. I was basically having fun with kaileen, But my origional intent wasnt to get into a bitchfight with her. she kept getting into an argument, that i was having with That wigger faggot. It was none of her business, and I decided to have some fun with her online by Calling her a whore.

Thats when you decided to put on your halloween costume early and act, like the superhero you are.
super fucking dumbie to the rescue! and start ruining that tits topic. I would have fuckerd off by tomorrow and left kaileen alone. it was just for the moment...
Now we are here, Frankly i think your a piece of fucking vile shit, what you did on zOMG with flake was more than trolling, you were a fat cunt then. and still are, and you have it quit wrong, I'm not acting like a Model citizen, you are! I find it more than a bit funny that you are calling a fellow troll/spammer/whatever out on his BS later here when YOU acted in a similar fashion, you fucking fat chupracabra. Thats hypocricy, also how did you get back your respect here? after that whole Zomg fiasco? and yes, when you dont allow someone a second chance, much how like what your doing to chair, IT does make you look like your better than him.
At this point, Since you so elequently said, "everyones a hypocrite" there's really no point to your topics/posts, other than to cause drama. and I LOVE drama so guess what? Im gonna follow your hairy little ass around here from now on and practicly make it a living hell, because not only do i not forget what you did to soph, your just an asshole. that needs to be reminded of it every goddamn time. I need some adventure in my life and your migit ass is my ticket for the best one i've ever have. I'll be cashin' that bitch in tonite!
enjoy the rest of your time here