I have two Urethras!
For real? That's kind of awesome! 
For realz! Why is it awesome? You know how they found out? After trying to put a catheter in me for an hour. They stuck a camera up there and found it is bifurcated. One side goes nowhere and the second one goes to my bladder. Maybe it would be cool if I had two fully-functional ones with two openings on the tip of my penis.
I once knew a guy who had two stomachs. I don't think the second one functioned,
but that's the kind of anomaly I would enjoy, if I could get food into it. 
Trigger, were you awake for the insertion of the catheter? Given the time they took, that had to have been very uncomfortable.
I pull hair out of my under arms and pubic hair too
I am wondering why?
Trich maybe?
Yeah I thought it could be that. My psych sent me some articles about trich, pretty interesting. I don't have it myself but I do have something that is somewhat related, called onychotillomania. Going to the doctor about it next week as since I came off the haloperidol it has gotten 10 times worse. I have done so much damage but can't seem to stop myself, worst habit ever.