I don't taste or smell much. Food is usually pretty bland to me unless I use industrial quantities of seasonings, and herbs can make the food bitter or otherwise spoil it before they give it an aroma that I'll notice; I've damaged my mouth lining a few times by putting too much raw garlic in things. My unami taste is ok though, so I like to have a lot of meat in my meals; they tend to taste of nothing much at all if they've not got any meat. Prawns are my favourite, but they're expensive and polluted, so I only eat them very rarely.
I'm withh you in some of thiss. I really only tasste salts ans sweeets. Sometnig that someone likes because it is bitter has zerro flavor for me. same withsours.
I smell last week's cooking, though, and antything, really. I smelll everything, like a dog. I even can trakc, by scent. I don't know why, except that DSI may be at hand. some senses are turned up higher than others. I have controlll of my olfactory and my auditory though - i can smell the most powerfull scents with no negative affect and the same with sounds.. the others do not respond to my queries or requests./
I live by smell and sound, mosttly. I feel OK, but I can't depend on my sense of feel to exist from one day to the next. Some days it doesn't work, but it NEVER lies. The senses of sound and sight and smell may lie to me. I depend on touch, becausde it either works or it doesn't. NO BULLSHIT! It works a bit too well at times and now it hardly works ayt all, but it is clean and true.
others are mostly fuckking mixed oup right now.