Oh the things I want to say.....<sigh>
If you feel you can't say them here, then Im worried.
It's just my special idiocy or specific reticence peculiar to me, nothing for you to worry about here. I'm considered weird even in the AS/autism community............. 
I'd believe that. It's painfully obvious that you are holding back on the weird.
Oh why do you deny us your sick twisted gooey head filling?
Because I try to appear to be a sage and wise person of moderation,

and too many times I'v had my words thrown back in my face

Plus, it's just me trying to straddle the worlds between the NT and AS/autism society. I hate to bring this up again, but, as I was growing up and all this stuff was unknown, I developed coping skills to cloak myself, so to some people on the spectrum, I'm a fraud.............to the NT world, I'm fucked up and weird. It's hard for me to loosen up. Fractalus is the one place I have let myself be exposed, with this place being a close second and even then only a few people here know the private me. AI has seen the private me, but, that stuff is so buried in all the other posts, nobody reads it!!
