
Author Topic: sausages  (Read 4399 times)

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Offline Adam

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« on: October 12, 2010, 03:57:46 PM »
Here's my thread about sausages


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Re: sausages
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2010, 05:10:29 PM »
Pork? Chicken? Spicy? Black Pudding? Bratwurst?


(expecting richard to jump in any minute)

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: sausages
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 06:06:51 PM »
Alligator sausage is very good.
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Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: sausages
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 07:13:29 PM »
daddy would you like some sausage!?
daddy would you like some sau-sage-es!?

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: sausages
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2010, 08:07:20 PM »
And deer sausage is good also.

 Everytime I eat it I have tears running down my cheeks as I say, "I'm sorry, Bambi, but it tastes so good."
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: sausages
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2010, 08:19:04 PM »
And deer sausage is good also.

 Everytime I eat it I have tears running down my cheeks as I say, "I'm sorry, Bambi, but it tastes so good."


ive had horse sausage :9

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: sausages
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2010, 02:13:55 AM »
I ate my last sausages when I was 19 I think.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: sausages
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2010, 02:34:53 AM »
I had hot dogs today. However, I love snags BBQed with BBQ sauce the most though.
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.


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Re: sausages
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2010, 02:46:19 AM »
I had hot dogs today. However, I love snags BBQed with BBQ sauce the most though.

Pigs in blankets..... yummmmmmm.

Offline kaileen

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Re: sausages
« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2010, 07:27:54 AM »
I've never eaten a sausage.
"Me divierto en arrancar del pecho mi mismo corazón...

un cadáver más qué importa al mundo?"

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: sausages
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2010, 07:34:06 AM »
daddy would you like some sausage!?
daddy would you like some sau-sage-es!?

Betty: But Gord, I don't care about jewels, I just want to suck your cock.

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Gord Brody: [playing the sausage organ] Daddy, would you like some sausage? Daddy, would you like some sausage?

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Gord Brody: Hi. How are you?
Betty: I'd be a lot better if you'd smack my legs with this bamboo.

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Gord Brody: I wanna eat chicken burgers.

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Gord Brody: I'm gunna make you proud, Dad...
[starts driving away but brakes and honks as a senior citizen is about to cross]
[continues driving]

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Jim: Get out of the toilet!

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Jim: Ohhhhh, look honey, our boy's a genius! He's rigged a pulley system so he can eat sausage and work on his stupid drawings.

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Julie Brody: Gordie, sit down. We're having roast beef.
Gord Brody: Why do you guys always have roast beef?
Jim: Boo-hoo. Little Lord Fauntleroy's tummy hurts because there's too much roast beef in it.
Gord Brody: It's just boring.
[Opens bag, pulls out a chicken sandwich]
Gord Brody: I'm eating a chicken sandwich.
Jim: No, you're not!
Gord Brody: This is crazy. I'm a 28-year-old man, I should be able to eat a chicken sandwich if I want.
Jim: He's 28 years old and he can eat a chicken sandwich. Very Impressive. Mike Fitzgibbon's son is a nuclear physicist, and my son can eat a chicken!
[Grabs chicken sandwich, throws it to the dogs]
Julie Brody: Jim, no!
Jim: You can either eat that goddamn roast beef, or you can go to bed.
[Gord leaves the room]

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Gord Brody: You can't hurt me, not with my cheese helmet!

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Gord Brody: [Dressed in his father's suit, back to front] I'm the backwards man, the backwards man, I can run back as fast as you can.

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Gord Brody: There's my La Baron. Where's your La Baron?

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Jim: Where the fuck is the water?

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Gord Brody: I see the problem here. There's a baby in your body.

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Gord Brody: Look, Daddy, I'm a farmer.

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Gord Brody: Fuck you, dad.
Jim: Fuck me? Is that what you wanna do?
[Jim drops his pants]
Jim: Well, go ahead, FUCK ME.

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Gord Brody: [playing violin wildly] This is a fancy restaurant. This is a fancy restaurant.

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Jim: Wait a minute... You're crippled.
Gord Brody: Dad...
Betty: What?
Gord Brody: Dad...
Betty: You got a problem with my legs?
Jim: No, you got a problem with your legs. It's ether that, or you're just lazy.

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Gord Brody: Japan Four.

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Harry: You hear the funny sound? You hear the funny sound? It's my hooves. It's my hooves.

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Sandwich Customer: This cheese sandwich.
Gord Brody: What?
Sandwich Customer: It doesn't have enough cheese in it.
Gord Brody: Well... we can't have that, 'cause, you know, a cheese sandwich with no cheese, it's just... two pieces of bread, and you know what? I could LOSE MY JOB. I could lose ALL THIS.
[starts cramming all the cheese slices on the counter into the sandwich]
Gord Brody: So you can... have... all... the cheese... you want.
[throws the stack of cheese slices and bread at the customer]
Sandwich Customer: What the hell do you expect me to do with this?
Gord Brody: Well, I don't know. You could... SHOVE IT UP YOUR BUM-BUM.
[customer walks out disgusted]
Gord Brody: Yooou... can... put... the... cheeese... in... your... bum...

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Jim: [to Betty] If this was Pakistan, you'd be sewing soccer balls.

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Gord: Daddy, we're in Pakistan. Let's sew some soccer balls.

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Jim: Hey, Gord, the water cold enough for ya?
[Turns the water temp level down, then breaks into the bathroom, then flushes the toilet]
Jim: Don't tell me this boy's so stupid he doesn't know the difference between hot and cold.
[opens shower to find Gord with a soap on a rope in Scuba Gear]
Jim: Hey, what are ya doing in my scuba gear?
Gord: Look, I found a treasure.
Jim: That's a soap on a rope!
Gord: SHhhhhhhhhh, I'm pretending it's a treasure.

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Gord Brody: He's a molester! He's a CHILLLLLLLLD MOLESTER!

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Jim: [after he leaves Gord in the shower] You retard!

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Jim: You want Daddy to give you a spanking in front of his retard slut whore?

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Gord Brody: I hope I get a jobby, Freddy. I've got my fingers crossed... crossed... crossed... crossed... cross... ed.

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Andy Malloy: Can I really have a piece of cake, Daddy?
Mr. Malloy: Sure you can, son. It's your birthday!
Andy Malloy: Yea!
Mr. Malloy: Yea!

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Jim: He said 'Fuck you, dad'. So I said 'Fuck you, fuck me. Fuck you, fuck me"... and I NEVER FINGERED FREDDY.
[Andy Malloy looks at Jim while playing catch and gets hit in mouth with baseball, cries]

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Gord Brody: Wow... it's a Le Baron.
Jim: Bet your boots it's a Le Baron. Good car. Convertible.

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Gord: Don't touch my shoulder, I saved the day.

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Gord Brody: I'm looking for a David Davidson.
Woman: I'm a woman.
Gord Brody: Did I ask what sex you are?
Woman: No.
Gord Brody: Did I ask if you were David Davidson?
Woman: My name is Cheryl.

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Gord Brody: This is "Little Timmy". He gets us food and stuff. Right, little timmy?
Jim: What the fuck is going on Gord? Why aren't you at your new job?
Gord Brody: What are you talking about Timmy?
Jim: Gord... Jesus. There ain't no big computer job... is there? You're just gallavantin' around in my suit pretending to be some kind of mover 'n shaker aren't you?

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Gord: Ahhh... Freddy. Freddy.
Freddy Brody: Is that um...
Jim: Thats your big brother. He couldn't handle the complexities of making a cheese sandwich so now he's back here at home with us... jeez, is that idiot still in the shower? Shit. How much water is he gonna use?
Freddy Brody: How much is he gonna use? All of it? Save some for the fish or something. Right poP? Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha.

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Jim: Miserable dead beat punk. Paid for his damn college. Sits around all day wacking off. Proud? My ASS.

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Gord Brody: Ding dong! I'm a sexy boy!

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Doctor: You did not save the day!

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Psychiatrist: Mister Brody, this is very serious. Base on what I have heard today, I am required bylaw to notify the authorities.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: sausages
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2010, 07:35:31 AM »
You guys should try deer sausage. I'll make some for you if you come visit, but you have to watch me kill a deer, help me drag im out of the woods, gut him, and quarter him up.  :zoinks:
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Squidusa

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Re: sausages
« Reply #12 on: October 14, 2010, 07:17:43 AM »
You guys should try deer sausage. I'll make some for you if you come visit, but you have to watch me kill a deer, help me drag im out of the woods, gut him, and quarter him up.  :zoinks:


DO NOT WANT. :aff:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: sausages
« Reply #13 on: October 14, 2010, 07:18:17 AM »
Ok. I'll do it in just an apron.  ;)
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Queen Victoria

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Re: sausages
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2010, 07:20:05 AM »
Ok. I'll do it in just an apron.  ;)

Will the apron be on backwards?
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.
