
Author Topic: My Last Post.  (Read 983 times)

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My Last Post.
« on: October 05, 2011, 10:39:43 PM »
This will be my last post on this or any other internet forum such as this.

There are a certain group of people on this forum who think that they can push people around and act all fucking "superior" with their bully-boy behaviour. In essence they are just assholes throwing their weight around. You know who you are, but if you  want names, here are a few:


Being dogpiled by people such as these has made my experience here something to regret and I hope that they are happy with their pyrrhic victory by chasing a member who thought he had good standing away with their assinine and juvenile behaviour. I say juvenile as they obviously aren't mature enough to behave as adults.

To those I considered friends, I am grateful BUT friends do not just sit by and let another friend get dogpiled for whatever reason. I2 might have some fucked up notion that everyone fight their own battles, but IRL if a friend is attacked either verbally or physically, others come to the aid of that person. I would have backed up anyone who I considered needing of help, and therefore I would have expected others back me up in the same situation. Standing by and watching somebody get dogpiled is as bad as dogpiling somebody in my book. Not good form at all, as Les would say.

I myself felt I was never really valued here as a member by the overall membership, and thus have never felt welcome. Not a part of the community, and not respected like others. I know there is not supposed to be a popularity contest here, but it goes without saying that the members could at least treat each other equally. If the admins can do it, and they do a fucking good job here, then why not the rest?

Anyway, none of this is up for debate. This thread will be locked, and as I won't be coming back it will have been pointless to make a reply trying to justify yourselves.

So au revoir and farewell. I can't say it's been fun, because overall it's been something that has caused me a lot of upset over three fucking years.

And BTW, as my account will be deleted, Scrap's discussion thread is now redundant as there will be no reurn AT ALL. Period.

The end.

PS: Remove my pic from your avvie, MLA, or I will be forced to take action, you cunt. Arsehole.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2011, 04:39:46 PM by Jimmy Hopkins »