I once posted a link on Aspergic in the shout box and I was so dense I didn't even know it was a porn link. I mean I didn't see any naked photos in there and all the pictures were hidden because for them to appear, I have to have certain amount of people click on it so more photos open up and the woman was full clothed. I just wanted to see if it actually works so I posted the link and then I had a PM from one of the mods asking me why did I post a porn link and I said I didn't.
I even saw that the mod had spammed the inbox to get rid of the link and I got into an argument with another member there about the link. He was saying it was a porn link and I was saying it was not because there was no naked photos. No one can see the pictures. He was saying it was a pay site and I was saying it was not because you need people to click the link to open more pictures to see.
Well after finally understanding, I felt stupid and embarrassed. I mean it then looked obvious on the page when I kept looking at it after the user explained it to me during our argument and I was like "oh, doh" and felt dumb. Why didn't I see it before or even understand?

I was lucky I didn't get banned.