It sucks when you joke about something, people take you seriously and then they refuse to believe you when you tell them you were joking. 
It does. Sarcasm never seems to work when you're writing on the internet
. Thing is, when I wrote it I still liked Rage and would have been totally against the idea of banning him if it had been a serious suggestion.
Some of my sarcasm has fallen foul when some some people didn't understand it. I think most people here have gotten my jokes OK, but there could be some exceptions.
I thought most knew, at least by now that it had been a joke. I think Rage just wants to sulk, and I didn't like DDs responses to Weakling, Soph or myself one bit.
DD can definitely be hard to read. The whole situation seems to have been blown out of proportion, I think.
If you want proof that someone is having a hard time moving on, check Scrapheap.
The banning thing has been blown out of all proportion, up untill today Rage was one of the folk on the site that I liked. I'm not bothered about the DD thing though. I couldn't care less about him, and never liked him to begin with, and I'd imagine he feels the same way about me.
Yeah, the situation with you and Scrapheap does seem to be getting a bit out of control. I'm fairly newish around here, and I don't use WP, so I obviously don't know the history behind things. I hope the pair of you can sort it out. Even if you can't stand each other, it might be a good idea if you can both find a way to stop this.