I can see double all the time. It isn't really a good thing. Optometrists don't like it.
Why isn't it good?
If I want to, I can see double at close range, when I want. Not at a distance though.
Can willingly see double any time or range, am able to cross only one eye, though can't recall the last time doing it. Do the optometrists say it's bad to be able to do it, or bad to do it?
Optometrists want to try and correct it. The one I have been seeing the last few years just gives me prismatic lenses which make it a little bit better. I can't cross my eyes at all.
Seeing double means not being able to see depth. If I go to a 3D movie and wear those special glasses, it just looks like a regular movie to me.
Odeon posted an interesting thread in Elders about someone who got their depth perception back some time ago. It won't happen to me, my left eye is too weak and damaged from surgery as a kid.
So seeing double is default for you?
When you don't see double, is that because you discard the information of one eye, effectively only using one? And if so, do you have one eye that is very dominant?
Yep, seeing double is the default setting.

When I don't see double, it is my right eye that takes over. Even though it is short-sighted (my left eye is long-sighted), it is by far the strongest.