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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #1575 on: February 21, 2018, 10:35:12 PM »
I have extremely soft skin. IF you take a woman whose hands are constantly moisturised and manicured and who avoids any activities that might roughen her skin, and then compare the skin on her hands to mine, then her skin is going to feel like leather by comparison. If I don't wear strong cotton gloves when I'm doing something like garden work then the skin tends to flake off like tissue paper.

The upside, if you can call it that, to having this sort of skin is that I can do serious damage to it and it barely leaves a scar. Looking at my hands now I can see a thin line across one knuckle where I put my hand into a heavy ceiling fan that was running at full speed (while taking my shirt off underneath it). And on the index finger on the other hand I can barely even see a line where I accidentally cut literally halfway through the finger with a brand new, extremely sharp kitchen knife, and the blood came spraying out like in a horror movie (that's the only time I ever needed stitches).
Kayleigh (my flatmate) is investigating with her doctor, whether or not she has Ehlers Danlos disorder. People with it often have soft and velvety skin.

Might be something to consider if you also have hypermobility with your joints.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #1576 on: February 21, 2018, 10:36:22 PM »

I have wimpy weak girly hands now, since I've learned how to make men do everything. ~That's what she said.

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #1577 on: February 21, 2018, 11:12:07 PM »
I have extremely soft skin. IF you take a woman whose hands are constantly moisturised and manicured and who avoids any activities that might roughen her skin, and then compare the skin on her hands to mine, then her skin is going to feel like leather by comparison. If I don't wear strong cotton gloves when I'm doing something like garden work then the skin tends to flake off like tissue paper.

The upside, if you can call it that, to having this sort of skin is that I can do serious damage to it and it barely leaves a scar. Looking at my hands now I can see a thin line across one knuckle where I put my hand into a heavy ceiling fan that was running at full speed (while taking my shirt off underneath it). And on the index finger on the other hand I can barely even see a line where I accidentally cut literally halfway through the finger with a brand new, extremely sharp kitchen knife, and the blood came spraying out like in a horror movie (that's the only time I ever needed stitches).
Kayleigh (my flatmate) is investigating with her doctor, whether or not she has Ehlers Danlos disorder. People with it often have soft and velvety skin.

Might be something to consider if you also have hypermobility with your joints.

I used to have hypermobility with my shoulders, but I've strained them and popped them out of joint so many times that they've said "enough is enough" and refuse to bend in strange ways any more OR allow me to lift anything heavy over my head. And the top joint of my thumb is fully double-jointed - I can bend it backwards as far as I can bend it forwards. My son is the only other person I know whose thumb is like that (he is also double jointed at the middle joint of his thumb, which I am not). My neck is hypermobile as well. Apart from that my joints have normal mobility.

My fingernails grow ridiculously fast and always have. I need to cut my fingernails a couple of times per week. And my fingernails are really soft and flexible as well. Once again my son is the same and he is the only other person I know who is like this.

I suspect that these and several other traits are genetic and inter-related.
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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #1578 on: February 22, 2018, 07:52:58 PM »
Wow. I've never known anyone to have a hypermobile neck. Anyway, sounds like Ehlers Danlos is something for you to consider.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #1579 on: February 23, 2018, 12:23:39 AM »
Wow. I've never known anyone to have a hypermobile neck. Anyway, sounds like Ehlers Danlos is something for you to consider.

I don't know if my neck is officially hypermobile. I do know that when I start moving my head around in weird ways some people get a bit freaked out and can't look at me. I generally don't do it any more as the novelty of being viewed as weird has worn off for me.

I don't have the skin elasticity that tends to be associated with Ehlers Danlos. I tick a few boxes for Fragile X as well but I don't think I have that either. Most likely it's just a bunch of unusual inherited traits. If I have the chance to get tested some day I will, but just out of curiosity.
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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #1580 on: February 23, 2018, 02:41:12 AM »
My flatmate doesn't have the skin elasticity either. However, that's just about the only criterion she doesn't meet. It's a difficult syndrome to diagnose for absolutely sure, there's multiple blood tests that could be done, and then there are sometimes false negatives.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Banned again from WP
« Reply #1581 on: February 24, 2018, 09:01:42 AM »
There are also multiple types of Ehlers-Danloss syndrome, there are multiple genetic loci which can bear a mutant allele for various genes involved in for the most part, collagen formation. And  one doesn't have to have EVERY sign possible in a diagnostic manual for ED to be present. Double-jointed bits are common, and so are joint dislocations. Its best to keep as fit as possible to help provide muscular support to the joints.

And heh, talking of freaky stuff, I know someone with it, that can kick themselves in the forehead. Backwards. I really wonder what kind of kinky stuff that kind of flexibility would make possible that just couldn't happen otherwise :P (she is pretty damn fine)
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