That may be, McJ, but he lost this one. His clever plan didn't work. 
i smell a setup.
he isn't through yet.
Whatever. It's touching that you have such faith in your hero.
That may be, McJ, but he lost this one. His clever plan didn't work. 
Pull faces all you want but your countenance doesnt change the fact that i am your superior in every way. Including all the ways you're little mind isnt capable fathoming. Comprende? Savvy? Understood? You got that?
Lost the Shakespeare touch already? Try the kiddie language instead. It suits you better, little boy. Now, face it. You were pwned, and everybody here knows it. You, however, you need to gain some years and experience before you can admit it. The truth is painful, sometimes.
It's called growing up, Eamonn.