Should we take this to mean your return is only temporary? 
Yes, but not for the reason you might think. My last post was a whimsical gag. In my pauper's subsistence i seem to be lacking the necessary funds to adequately deal with my intenet bill to the providor's satisfaction whatsoever and so it has come to pass that the wholly unreasonable vampires have cut off my connection with little thought or deliberation, like a smoker would put out the source of his/her vice. The result being that im left in a virtual wilderness. Surrounded by the conspicious brutes that most of the general population of the hoi polloi indubitably are, with no feasible way of communicating with my peers in the comfort of my own home. The only scant consolation being that i know my gaggling of friends at Intensity et al are out there furiously tapping away at their keyboards, bitching away, vying for attention, as ever, like the adorable little children you are.