If I'm motivated to trust, it can go crewy. If I'm motivated not to, it can go screwy. Trust is tricky. Hope is maybe a bit safer- or so I hope.
I certainly hope that I'm giving off different impressions now than I did a year ago or earlier, but it may not translate into teh forums at all, let alone favorably.
If I'm motivated to trust, it can go crewy. If I'm motivated not to, it can go screwy. Trust is tricky. Hope is maybe a bit safer- or so I hope.
I certainly hope that I'm giving off different impressions now than I did a year ago or earlier, but it may not translate into teh forums at all, let alone favorably.
I remember my first impression of you actually
You are one of the only ones I remember for some reason
I wasn't on here much though so didn't read a lot
I just remember thinking you were probably hot, even though I hadn't seen a picture of you