^ ha ha....well, just the fact that he's ranted and raved at you and me rather than EVEN CONSIDER, that Kit doesn't need his shit, shows his priorities.
Pretty impressive essays demonstrate the amount of time and energy he has to try to prove his point, rather than at least admit, he may have been wrong.
Yeah. Marriage wouldn't go so well
good thing you got out Les....oops....was I being schoolgirlish there?
ps. How are the driving lessons going? You know it's best not to drive when hungover and still under the influence?
Actually the discussions between Kit and Hyke were opening up a possibility that Kit was completely oblivious to the context of certain phrases and has actually been having issues in this IRL. It was opening up the prospect of getting a lot further to examining if or why there was misunderstandings and apologies and explanations all around.
So you kow that Kit well knows that If I get something wrong and I see it, I have no issue accepting this. Ask her perhaps. I may well be in a position once I know where she was coming from in apologising here too. But it will have nothing to do with your or Phlex's actions and would have happened or not regardless.
But then adjunct to that are you two. Do you honestly think you are helping this for Kit or for my or for the discussion at large? No? D you think you have done her, yourselves or anyone else any favours? No?
Fucking morons the both of you
Marriage would not have gone well, Hungover? Driving lessons? What the fuck are you on about now?
"Actually the discussions between Kit and Hyke were opening up a possibility that Kit was completely oblivious to the context of certain phrases and has actually been having issues in this IRL. It was opening up the prospect of getting a lot further to examining if or why there was misunderstandings and apologies and explanations all around."
How generous of you and Hyke to explain to Kit these important things at this time in her life.
Seriously, I'm disgusted with both of you. Maybe you should know better, or maybe you both are more retarded than I thought. Pathetic.
You are disgusted with me and I think you are a moron, I think we will both live.
Put in context. I did have a reason to call out Kit. Kit was either meaning something but how she put things out there or she wasn't. I wanted to both show that the insinuations were not right and find out why she made the insinuations she did and called her out to explain. My approach is, in fitting with me not very tactful and Kit was unable to see where I was coming from and I was unable to see what the hell she was saying.
Hyke, whose first language is not English could see and explain things a lot better and had seen elsewhere apparently, Kit saying that she had had issues here before an was explaining what she saw.
Hyke was and is a lot more patient and a lot less reactive and judgmental than me. It is a nice and gentle approach from things from her and so what the hell you are "disgusted about I don't fucking know.
I suspect my suggestion to pull your head out of your arse wasn't taken on board because it still seems pretty trapped.
Don't have to bother with how retarded you think we may be, you seem to be showing new levels of non-comprehension or mis-readings than I have ever seen from you to date.
As to the tangential bullshit coming out of me? No, not really.
I will say that conversions with you within the context of what is said and trying to stay rational and logical and so forth are difficult because it is like playing a game of basketball where you grab the ball and start running away of court and on to the oval with it and I have to likewise chase you up and grab it off you to bring it back in play. (Now having said this and as a specific metaphor to make a point solely to tangential tendencies, I am full prepared for you to now go off on some mindless rant how I was trying to say that my metaphor shows this is a game to me or about the fact there is no basketball and how you doubt I play basket ball or whatever and this will make my point very nicely.)