Author Topic: OK Kit come on down and be prepared to back your words and every insinuation  (Read 11459 times)

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Offline Eclair

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^ ha ha....well, just the fact that he's ranted and raved at you and me rather than EVEN CONSIDER, that Kit doesn't need his shit, shows his priorities.

Pretty impressive essays demonstrate the amount of time and energy he has to try to prove his point, rather than at least admit, he may have been wrong.

Yeah. Marriage wouldn't go so well :P good thing you got out Les....oops....was I being schoolgirlish there?

ps. How are the driving lessons going? You know it's best not to drive when hungover and still under the influence?

Offline ProfessorFarnsworth

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Err, hate to interrupt but maybe a new callout thread is in order? This is more about arguing over the ethics of how/if certain users should be treated certain ways, instead of being a issue between Sir_Les and Kit now.

Just saying.
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

Offline Al Swearegen

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And here Les, just to refresh your memory is how you reacted to someone bringing your attention to the fact that you might want to think about a members situation before going on a tirade;

Picking on a pregnant woman? A new low even for your Les.,9579.495.html

Get up to speed Phlexor.

Explain "even for you" and then explain "picking on". 
As for her pregnancy. I chose not her pregnancy nor her words. Nor did I choose her to use them here.

So have a read. Have a think and try again mate. I am sure you have good cause to say what you did and I would like to hear it.

You at this point can't even get the gist of a simple few sentences from Phlexor alerting you to picking on Kit without;

Explain "even for you" and then explain "picking on". 

You were hell bent on a rant. Why should he have to explain SIMPLE ENGLISH?

It's no wonder he tried shock tactics about your failed marriage to snap you out of cuntsville....but were too addicted to the debate and dehumanising things.

I was just trying to bring to Les's attention that he may not want to look like a doucebag. I guess I was wrong. Also, I guess we all found out that Les is the sensitive type.

Oh and apparently I think certain classes of members need protecting and that I want the almost non-existent rules of Intensity to be changed to reflect this. I'm glad people told me this and I wasn't even aware of how I felt.

Not at all. Had you wished to do this you would have bought your reasoning for thinking this to my attention via Pm or on forum without trying for a personal attack. You didn't even when asked to.
You chose this approach and you are reaping the benefits of doing so.

It just doesn't suit your argument, does it. If that were the case, where was my PM from you telling me that you thought it was poor form for me to address it public rather than private?

You do realise that this makes you a hypocrite, either it's okay or not. Falling back on "he started it" as a defence for doing the same as me really isn't good enough.

Not at all. You can say what ever you like. You can say I am wrong. Call me a cunt do whatever. At no point do I consider this anything but heated banter. Attack me personally and I will come straight back at you. You should know this and ought not be surprised when I do.  
If before you decided to get personal, and it was your decision to do so, you wanted to suggest your rational for wanting to "protect Kit from a callout" over reasons do do with why she ought not be "subjected to this" that had more to do generally with her being pregnant or being a woman or being Kit, then you should have explained it like I asked or PM'ed me.
You did not. You were wanting to make a statement, or pull me into line, or be a cunt or whatever. You chose instead to throw caution to the wind and make a personal attack and at that point I felt justified to give you whatever I was wanting to. At this point (and only at this point) it really did not matter what you said.
You could have done differently and you chose not to so all good I will attack you personally as you have chose to react on me and I have no issue with that.
Doesn't at all make me a hypocrite. I asked you to explain yourself you chose not to. There are choices here and you chose your actions.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Al Swearegen

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^ ha ha....well, just the fact that he's ranted and raved at you and me rather than EVEN CONSIDER, that Kit doesn't need his shit, shows his priorities.

Pretty impressive essays demonstrate the amount of time and energy he has to try to prove his point, rather than at least admit, he may have been wrong.

Yeah. Marriage wouldn't go so well :P good thing you got out Les....oops....was I being schoolgirlish there?

ps. How are the driving lessons going? You know it's best not to drive when hungover and still under the influence?

Actually the discussions between Kit and Hyke were opening up a possibility that Kit was completely oblivious to the context of certain phrases and has actually been having issues in this IRL. It was opening up the prospect of getting a lot further to examining if or why there was misunderstandings and apologies and explanations all around.

So you kow that Kit well knows that If I get something wrong and I see it, I have no issue accepting this. Ask her perhaps. I may well be in a position once I know where she was coming from in apologising here too. But it will have nothing to do with your or Phlex's actions and would have happened or not regardless.

But then adjunct to that are you two. Do you honestly think you are helping this for Kit or for my or for the discussion at large? No? D you think you have done her, yourselves or anyone else any favours? No?
Fucking morons the both of you

Marriage would not have gone well, Hungover? Driving lessons? What the fuck are you on about now?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Eclair

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^ ha ha....well, just the fact that he's ranted and raved at you and me rather than EVEN CONSIDER, that Kit doesn't need his shit, shows his priorities.

Pretty impressive essays demonstrate the amount of time and energy he has to try to prove his point, rather than at least admit, he may have been wrong.

Yeah. Marriage wouldn't go so well :P good thing you got out Les....oops....was I being schoolgirlish there?

ps. How are the driving lessons going? You know it's best not to drive when hungover and still under the influence?

Actually the discussions between Kit and Hyke were opening up a possibility that Kit was completely oblivious to the context of certain phrases and has actually been having issues in this IRL. It was opening up the prospect of getting a lot further to examining if or why there was misunderstandings and apologies and explanations all around.

So you kow that Kit well knows that If I get something wrong and I see it, I have no issue accepting this. Ask her perhaps. I may well be in a position once I know where she was coming from in apologising here too. But it will have nothing to do with your or Phlex's actions and would have happened or not regardless.

But then adjunct to that are you two. Do you honestly think you are helping this for Kit or for my or for the discussion at large? No? D you think you have done her, yourselves or anyone else any favours? No?
Fucking morons the both of you

Marriage would not have gone well, Hungover? Driving lessons? What the fuck are you on about now?

"Actually the discussions between Kit and Hyke were opening up a possibility that Kit was completely oblivious to the context of certain phrases and has actually been having issues in this IRL. It was opening up the prospect of getting a lot further to examining if or why there was misunderstandings and apologies and explanations all around."

How generous of you and Hyke to explain to Kit these important things at this time in her life.

Seriously, I'm disgusted with both of you. Maybe you should know better, or maybe you both are more retarded than I thought. Pathetic.

Offline Eclair

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^ ha ha....well, just the fact that he's ranted and raved at you and me rather than EVEN CONSIDER, that Kit doesn't need his shit, shows his priorities.

Pretty impressive essays demonstrate the amount of time and energy he has to try to prove his point, rather than at least admit, he may have been wrong.

Yeah. Marriage wouldn't go so well :P good thing you got out Les....oops....was I being schoolgirlish there?

ps. How are the driving lessons going? You know it's best not to drive when hungover and still under the influence?

Actually the discussions between Kit and Hyke were opening up a possibility that Kit was completely oblivious to the context of certain phrases and has actually been having issues in this IRL. It was opening up the prospect of getting a lot further to examining if or why there was misunderstandings and apologies and explanations all around.

So you kow that Kit well knows that If I get something wrong and I see it, I have no issue accepting this. Ask her perhaps. I may well be in a position once I know where she was coming from in apologising here too. But it will have nothing to do with your or Phlex's actions and would have happened or not regardless.

But then adjunct to that are you two. Do you honestly think you are helping this for Kit or for my or for the discussion at large? No? D you think you have done her, yourselves or anyone else any favours? No?
Fucking morons the both of you

Marriage would not have gone well, Hungover? Driving lessons? What the fuck are you on about now?

What the fuck am I on about....well, exactly...just demonstrating the tangential shit that comes out of your mind equally so.

Get back to the original point...oh, that's right, you can't....because that would mean admitting that you were an opportunistic internet bitch addicted to drama at any cost.


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(Despite Kit acting like a general fucktard.)


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Jesus eclair, I do think you are getting a bit paranoid about this. Fucking words on a screen.

Offline Adam

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can someone sum up what's going on in this thread?


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can someone sum up what's going on in this thread?

Precis: Kit was called out by Sir_Les over something that involved some shit in another forum, Sir Les asked her to back up her words. Phlexor wieighed in defending Kit and calling Les a cunt, Les got stuck into Phlex, back and forth, eclair jumped in to back Phlex, argey bargey between Les, Phlex and eclair, Kit wonders WTF she started, more argey bargey, what time is it now?

That should bring you up to speed.

Offline Eclair

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Jesus eclair, I do think you are getting a bit paranoid about this. Fucking words on a screen.

Sorry if compassion is beyond your comprehension.


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Jesus eclair, I do think you are getting a bit paranoid about this. Fucking words on a screen.

Sorry if compassion is beyond your comprehension.

No, just tired of wading through 14 pages of bullshit.

Offline renaeden

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You don't have to you know.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way


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You don't have to you know.

Bit hard to get to just the juicy bits.


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Jesus eclair, I do think you are getting a bit paranoid about this. Fucking words on a screen.

Sorry if compassion is beyond your comprehension.

Sorry if Internet 101 is beyond your comprehension.