Author Topic: OK Kit come on down and be prepared to back your words and every insinuation  (Read 11458 times)

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Offline Al Swearegen

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^ Can you stop inserting quotes with my username against them that I did not make?

It's the second time you've done it.


As much as I would love to I think it actually reads better the way I modified.

Do you a deal though I will not do this if you come up with the list of names of people that are excluded. I will then put it on vote and then ask Odeon to put these people into a special I2 user group)  and also answer that one question without beating around the bush (and explain that one too because as I say I don't get the mentality that ANYONE under ANY circumstance should - and goes double for members on I2 - insult you personally without you having the right of return fire).

I think this is more than fair.

 ::) There is no deal. Phlexor was trying to bring something to your attention out of genuine concern. He backed his words about your behaviour and you didn't like it.

No go then Eclair.
Phlexor was not bringing something to my attention. Saint Phlexor was making personal attacks and Saint Phlexor copped one back. This is Intensity Squared. He would have expected it and he got it. No foul and I still don't see your point.

Unless you have a code of conduct that Intensian's ought to abide by that they ought to accept personal insults then I say your point is not a strong one. I will keep a good eye on you reacting to personal insult in the future though and be happy to bring up this glaring inconsistency with your morality so you keep your highly vaunted morality in check. Hope you don't take any offense when I do.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2010, 06:51:10 AM by Sir_Les_Patterson »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Eclair

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^ Can you stop inserting quotes with my username against them that I did not make?

It's the second time you've done it.


As much as I would love to I think it actually reads better the way I modified.

Do you a deal though I will not do this if you come up with the list of names of people that are excluded. I will then put it on vote and then ask Odeon to put these people into a special I2 user group)  and also answer that one question without beating around the bush (and explain that one too because as I say I don't get the mentality that ANYONE under ANY circumstance should - and goes double for members on I2 - insult you personally without you having the right of return fire).

I think this is more than fair.

 ::) There is no deal. Phlexor was trying to bring something to your attention out of genuine concern. He backed his words about your behaviour and you didn't like it.

No go then Eclair.
Phlexor was not bringing something to my attention. Saint Phlexor was making personal attacks and Saint Phlexor copped one back. This is Intensity Squared. He would have expected it and he got it. No foul and I still don't see your point.

Unless you have a code of conduct that Intensian's ought to abide by that they ought to accept personal insults then I say your point is not a strong one. I will keep a good eye on you reacting to personal insult in the future though and be happy to bring up this glaring inconsistency with your morality so you keep your highly vaunted morality in check. Hope you don't take any offense when I do.

Dear Pot,

You seem to have a particular code of conduct yourself, hence why you called Kit out originally. She obviously didn't meet your high standards of internet etiquette / code of conduct and you were calling her out to 'back her words and every insinuation'.

With Love,

Kettle x

Offline Al Swearegen

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^ Can you stop inserting quotes with my username against them that I did not make?

It's the second time you've done it.


As much as I would love to I think it actually reads better the way I modified.

Do you a deal though I will not do this if you come up with the list of names of people that are excluded. I will then put it on vote and then ask Odeon to put these people into a special I2 user group)  and also answer that one question without beating around the bush (and explain that one too because as I say I don't get the mentality that ANYONE under ANY circumstance should - and goes double for members on I2 - insult you personally without you having the right of return fire).

I think this is more than fair.

 ::) There is no deal. Phlexor was trying to bring something to your attention out of genuine concern. He backed his words about your behaviour and you didn't like it.

No go then Eclair.
Phlexor was not bringing something to my attention. Saint Phlexor was making personal attacks and Saint Phlexor copped one back. This is Intensity Squared. He would have expected it and he got it. No foul and I still don't see your point.

Unless you have a code of conduct that Intensian's ought to abide by that they ought to accept personal insults then I say your point is not a strong one. I will keep a good eye on you reacting to personal insult in the future though and be happy to bring up this glaring inconsistency with your morality so you keep your highly vaunted morality in check. Hope you don't take any offense when I do.

Dear Pot,

You seem to have a particular code of conduct yourself, hence why you called Kit out originally. She obviously didn't meet your high standards of internet etiquette / code of conduct and you were calling her out to 'back her words and every insinuation'.

With Love,

Kettle x

Did she though? I think despite you and Saint Phlexor wading in at this point in the game she did and she gave account of herself and under the same situation I would expect nothing less. That IS what you are saying yeah?
I did exactly what I should have done if i disagreed with something here and felt like it deserved a call-out? She as the subject of a callout did what she was supposed to do? Yeah? So Kit has done exactly what my expectations were, right? In the same instance I would do the same?
Well this all seems in line and not at all hypocritical like you trying to allude to. So you have failed in this argument too. No hypocrisy there. Now rather than try to be smart about things because you stuffed up your attempts to be. Why not stop beating around the bush?
Where does that left pot and kettle conversations to yourself?
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Eclair

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Dear Pot,

You seem to have a particular code of conduct yourself, hence why you called Kit out originally. She obviously didn't meet your high standards of internet etiquette / code of conduct and you were calling her out to 'back her words and every insinuation'.

With Love,

Kettle x

Did she though? I think despite you and Saint Phlexor wading in at this point in the game she did and she gave account of herself and under the same situation I would expect nothing less. That IS what you are saying yeah?
I did exactly what I should have done if i disagreed with something here and felt like it deserved a call-out? She as the subject of a callout did what she was supposed to do? Yeah? So Kit has done exactly what my expectations were, right? In the same instance I would do the same?
Well this all seems in line and not at all hypocritical like you trying to allude to. So you have failed in this argument too. No hypocrisy there. Now rather than try to be smart about things because you stuffed up your attempts to be. Why not stop beating around the bush?
Where does that left pot and kettle conversations to yourself?

Phlexor stated his thoughts at the beginning of the thread.

I then came in and saw your usual rant fest back and forth with him, which you are now trying to do with me when I merely stated, I believe that his initial intent was coming from a good place, and you just shit all over it.

Don't bother saying I'm beating around the bush. I've stated my original stance / reasoning, and despite efforts to bring you back to that track you feel you have a 'right to defend yourself' from an attack mentioning your marriage that you felt was unjust. According to YOUR standards.

Likewise, Phlexor made the comment that targetting a pregnant woman who has already had dramas falling pregnant, may be unjust according to HIS standards. And he felt an obligation to at least bring this to your attention in his efforts to 'defend' your attack on Kit.

You didn't even have the balls to acknowledge the link I posted where it is clear Kit was not in a good place. She mentions a meltdown, then Hyke so 'helpfully' informs Kit how to frame her posts and think about what she is saying.  ::)

You know what is even more hypocritical...this rule about 'not attacking someone's family or children' when Phlexor gives you a slight nudge to wake up to yourself, she's pregnant, don't be so is that so different?

Take it as far off track as you want and have a go at me. Someone called you out for a low act, and you couldn't take it when they went low also....and all you had was your schoolboy fat taunts etc to fall back on.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Dear Pot,

You seem to have a particular code of conduct yourself, hence why you called Kit out originally. She obviously didn't meet your high standards of internet etiquette / code of conduct and you were calling her out to 'back her words and every insinuation'.

With Love,

Kettle x

Did she though? I think despite you and Saint Phlexor wading in at this point in the game she did and she gave account of herself and under the same situation I would expect nothing less. That IS what you are saying yeah?
I did exactly what I should have done if i disagreed with something here and felt like it deserved a call-out? She as the subject of a callout did what she was supposed to do? Yeah? So Kit has done exactly what my expectations were, right? In the same instance I would do the same?
Well this all seems in line and not at all hypocritical like you trying to allude to. So you have failed in this argument too. No hypocrisy there. Now rather than try to be smart about things because you stuffed up your attempts to be. Why not stop beating around the bush?
Where does that left pot and kettle conversations to yourself?

Phlexor stated his thoughts at the beginning of the thread.

I then came in and saw your usual rant fest back and forth with him, which you are now trying to do with me when I merely stated, I believe that his initial intent was coming from a good place, and you just shit all over it.

Don't bother saying I'm beating around the bush. I've stated my original stance / reasoning, and despite efforts to bring you back to that track you feel you have a 'right to defend yourself' from an attack mentioning your marriage that you felt was unjust. According to YOUR standards.

Likewise, Phlexor made the comment that targetting a pregnant woman who has already had dramas falling pregnant, may be unjust according to HIS standards. And he felt an obligation to at least bring this to your attention in his efforts to 'defend' your attack on Kit.

You didn't even have the balls to acknowledge the link I posted where it is clear Kit was not in a good place. She mentions a meltdown, then Hyke so 'helpfully' informs Kit how to frame her posts and think about what she is saying.  ::)

You know what is even more hypocritical...this rule about 'not attacking someone's family or children' when Phlexor gives you a slight nudge to wake up to yourself, she's pregnant, don't be so is that so different?

Take it as far off track as you want and have a go at me. Someone called you out for a low act, and you couldn't take it when they went low also....and all you had was your schoolboy fat taunts etc to fall back on.

Have not taken it off track at all. The "low act" defined by you and Phlexor calling out Kit.
Now what is not "off-track" is verifying whether or not it is a low act?
Now based on my knowledge then and now I now the following
Kit is pregnant. I know this and any attempt I have made to see whether or not this is an exclusion to argue with her seems to be dismissed by you and Phlex as a valid reason not to call her out. Therefore - no foul - not low.
Phlex said "it is Kit we are talking about". I know this too and was aware of this and don't see this as an exclusion nor low and asking why this would exclude her has again drawn blanks - so no foul - not a low act.
Kit has said that she likes drama and so again no foul not a low act.
Kit has said that she doesn't like people running from arguments or not backing themselves. No foul. Not a low act.
Intensity squared members agree as being on this site to back their claims. I asked this of her and she obliged. No foul not a low act.
Kit has said she does not want special treatment. I agree with her sentiments. No foul not a low act.

Further to this you want me to look at some thread I likely have not seen to give me some hindsight knowledge which may or may not have influenced my decision to call her out. Being that I haven't seen nor had I at the time seen the thread it is superfluous to what we are talking about here.

So taking that out of the equation....where is the low act. I say it simply doesn't exist.
I acted in good faith in what I did and did not get brutal with Kit. I called her out and unless Kit was in some 'protected user group or I was acting on any knowledge of kit that is different from the low act.

So explain to me on the basis of the above the low act.

Now let's have a look at the rest.

Regardless of the callout between me and Kit and involving me and Kit, let's look specifically at Saint Phlexor for a minute.
Regardless of what he felt or his moral righteousness he decided to get personal.
So as to Saint Phlexor vs me, he fired a personal attack and got one back. Not rocket science here to see that my retort did not come out of nowhere and it WAS deserved. Because his attack was personal and was aimed at me. All good. No foul.
You seem to think or suggest at the time that he decides to wade in there and fire off a personal shot that I should either ignore it (because it comes from a good place) or commend him for it. You have rocks in your head if you think this is right.

Anyone trying that shit for whatever reason will cop something of the same nature back at me. Call it "getting my attention" or "nudging me" or downplay it as much as you like Eclair but it was a personal attack and he got it straight back.
Yes he probably justified it to himself and felt some moral high ground. I don't give a shit. I felt it was unjustified and I reacted accordingly and I still say it was right to do so and will always be right to do so. He chose his words and the consequence for chosen words.

"You know what is even more hypocritical...this rule about 'not attacking someone's family or children' when Phlexor gives you a slight nudge to wake up to yourself, she's pregnant, don't be so is that so different?"

Ummm...because I was not attacking Kit personally about her family? I dunno is that different? Because i had not insulted Saint Phlexor about his family? Because he wasn't giving me a nudge he was making base personalised accusations about me? Because there was nothing to "wake up from for all I explained above? Hell take your pick Eclair. I am sure in your own code of conduct you will find some moralistic hypocrisy but it makes no sense to me.

As for not having the balls? WTF? What I am saying is that giving me any knowledge AFTER the event that I was not aware about at the time doesn't make the slight difference now does it? Or does it?  If so how do you figure? It would be like you telling me now I am so men to Saiint Phlexor and should have let him say whatever he damn well pleases because he has terminal Leukemia and is fixing to die next week ...don't you feel so bad now? Well no. I have no knowledge of this and could not have known and can't feel bad about not having this knowledge to act on and make different choices. (I do hope that is not the truth Saint Phlex. I hope you will be around to make a lot of retarded posts in the future)

I can take any insult thrown at me but will return it too. Always do. What you are suggesting is that I ought not have got personal. You are also saying that his getting personal is fine and mine is not. Furthermore you are saying that he ought to be excluded from being abused back.

So you are doing well here Eclair we have Kit and Saint Phlex on that protected list. Who else should we place on the list?

You are being fucking ridiculous in my honest opinion and taking things waaaayyy too seriously. Again. I expected better of both of you. This is IntensitySquared and as far as I am concerned if you are a member here you are having to back your claims. You both have been her long enough to know this. You should be prepared to back yourself and hold your own. This is not a support forum or a knitting circle. I think at some point you both have forgotten this and have blown shit out of all proportion.

I think the only think I can sensibly suggest is, to grip your shoulders really tightly, and pull with all your might, and see if you can get your head out of your arse. Fuck's sake.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap


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I don't really care about the whole Granatelli drama from elsewhere. I do object to what I infer as in effect, even if not written in the rules, creating a separate class of user(s) here that are not subject to having their assertions/postings challenged. Kit herself said much the same earlier so I don't see why others (Phlexor and Eclair) don't drop it. But if this subject/thread matters that much then why not keep it going?  :deadhorse:
« Last Edit: October 02, 2010, 12:54:33 PM by PPK »

Offline Natalia Evans

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Oh great, this has turned into eclair vs sir les from sir les vs phlexor. :popcorn:

The reason why I never told anyone I was pregnant because I had a miscarriage last time and I sure didn't want to go around telling everyone about it and then bam it happens again and I have to tell everyone again I lost the baby making myself looking like an attention seeker.

Honestly I didn't see anything I posted to argue about or back up for sir les but he somehow found a way to turn it into a argument and claim I was trying to paint a picture of him and sprout BS which I found offensive because it wasn't true, why would I lie about someone? I would never lie about anyone, not even about my worst enemies. Then all of a sudden it was about "I should also add" than what really happened on the other board. It must mean something to him while to me it means nothing. I've had these situations before where I say something and people have a reaction to it and I get all confused and never say it again but yet when others say it, they get no reaction. :/ But it has never turned into this. I've had two other situations where people got bent out of shape over what I said and it turns out the word I used has a different meaning than I thought and the reason why I used those words was because they are said to me by my family. I get called cheap and I have been told by m dad he is going to dump me off at home or at the bookstore so one day I say to a mother online good thing she checked out that daycare first before dumping her kids off and she took offense to it. I get told I'm cheap and my mom calls herself cheap and then I say it to my aunt and uncle and she sends me a letter telling me how offended she is. But it still never turned into a huge drama. But I still had to learn the hard way what "cheap" and "dump" meant. But I still say them but not to other people, only to people I know and about myself. People can't get offended what I say about myself and people who know me well won't take offense. I'd be hurt if they did took offense.

Offline RageBeoulve

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Who wants to fuck?
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"


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First things first: rossco's wife was the bigger cunt to him, from what I heard, so that argument is fucked from the outset. But then again, we have women's lib saying otherwise.

Secondly: the Saints got flogged by 56 points, which makes them the losers no matter what.

And I would back rossco as I have spoken to him IRL, and know all about the probs he had.

Don't doubt Phlex was trying to back Kit, but as the argument was between rossco and Kit, maybe it should have been left at that point.

Anyway, it's all fucking history now.

Offline Eclair

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^ Yep, it's fair to say it's history. I have continued to reinforce my first post, but Les, as usual prefers to write lingering essays.

When he gets no response, or not the response he hoped for, it becomes a case of he eggs on for more and then turns it into a conversation it never started out as. If a member doesn't respond, he tries to egg on for more.

Then usually ends it with a comment to the tone of 'I expected better from you' or something similar and condescending, much the same as he has done above. But when someone calls him out on his behaviour, they aren't allowed the same opinion of 'I expected better from you'.

Offline RageBeoulve

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Do I ever do that? I think i'm pretty blunt.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Al Swearegen

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^ Yep, it's fair to say it's history. I have continued to reinforce my first post, but Les, as usual prefers to write lingering essays.

When he gets no response, or not the response he hoped for, it becomes a case of he eggs on for more and then turns it into a conversation it never started out as. If a member doesn't respond, he tries to egg on for more.

Then usually ends it with a comment to the tone of 'I expected better from you' or something similar and condescending, much the same as he has done above. But when someone calls him out on his behaviour, they aren't allowed the same opinion of 'I expected better from you'.

OK this is what was happening for me an in context to how I read it whilst on IntensitySquared (the place to back your words)

Sticky Ricky doing his usual blah about me as he is want to do  and I was giving back. All good.
In comes Ki who brings up shit from another site hat no-one else knows about (except Hyke) and seems to me to add and insinuate shit (without the benefit of context) to Sticky Ricky's assumptions.
I though "Wow. Did not see that coming. More drama for Kit? OK she wants to dangle a bit of bait at me? Alright why not I will have a bite and see how she goes with this. It could be fun and I want to hear her explain how she came to that. I have never called her out and she likes people to back what they say, so I will show that what I believe she is insinuating isn't so and see how she goes about backing her viewpoint as I see it. This could get interesting. Game on"  :asthing:

So I did exactly that and whilst this was underway Saint Phlexor squeezes himself sideways into the debate and decides of his own volition to call me a low cunt for doing so and condemns me for calling out a member here. Not any run of the mill member but I called out Kit. (Again no foul as I saw it. I saw no real biggie. In fact to not call her out or treat her with kid gloves or exclude her I thought a bit insulting.) All good. I for that have no issue with it except that of course it, in my opinion is stupid and worth derision.
Then he chooses to further make his point by bringing in a slur against my ex-wife. Yup. Personal attack. Now "It really on for him and gloves off. Decency be damned" Tit for Fat

In the meantime of course Kit is trying to tell me what happened on ASDR and I was contending that I knew this and that I was there and not at all interested in this as she tried to make her points about this. To be honest I was having a more interesting time in dealing with Saint Phlexor and getting him to back his words. I was trying to get Kit back to context and why she chose to say what she did in the way that she did ON HERE rather than dredging up any more Granantelli bullshit.

I found the Peanut Gallery almost universally was a big WTF? I wasn't about o go on there. It is and has always been for spectators. Hyke then started to spell things out in a Hyke way. That is to say in a way that is non-reactive, tactful and clear and concise. Around about the complete opposite as me. :D

Kit after saying that I am "all bent out of shape" by what she is on about then in a most "bent out of shape" way says how terrible a person I am for misreading her and so on. All good. I am actually (seeing how Hyke puts it across so well there and Kit completely misreads me) seeing how she goes a bit reading and comprehending what she has said.

But whilst things are simmering down with Lord Phlexor and his efforts in "keeping me in line" or whatever fail, have taken a nosedive, in comes a new element. On her moral high horse racing through deflecting logical and rationality wherever it lurks to rescue her girlfriend Saint Phlexor, comes Eclair. I was "WTF? Shit she is like a female version of Hardron in her ability to misread a situation and keep going (but I always had the impression at least Hardron meant it and just wanted to get some mileage) she is fucking crazy. OK why not I will see who else comes. Back what you say Les"

I was/am mindboggled by Eclair's ability to take a position that personal attacks ought to be taken and brush aside (on here of all places) but for some reason that made sense in an Eclair kind of way. It makes further sense to her that whilst doing this that any personal attacks I throw his way to return the favour are demonised as "low and schoolyardboyish". Further yet she backs that I (on the basis of what I know about Kit ought to not have treated her as any other IntensitySquared member. She also contends that being Saint Phlexors attacks were ("from a good place", admirable" "out of concern") that any personal attacks in light of this should not be responded to.

Now from  would imagine any impartial reading this would seem that there is a real case implicit in what both Eclair and Saint Phlexor say in having a protected class of citizen on I2, who when named can be put into a new usergroup of not having to defend themselves or answer for anything they say. So far Saint Phlexor and Eclair have voiced that Kit ought to not have to be called out for anything or have to argue anything or back what she says and Eclair has given the nod for Saint Phlex in that he should be able to make personal lowball attacks unanswered.

So that is the sate of play. Anyone else want to wade in on this I am fine with it. form a line to the right and I will be here. Internet. It is a nasty business.  :asthing:
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Eclair

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^ Yep, it's fair to say it's history. I have continued to reinforce my first post, but Les, as usual prefers to write lingering essays.

When he gets no response, or not the response he hoped for, it becomes a case of he eggs on for more and then turns it into a conversation it never started out as. If a member doesn't respond, he tries to egg on for more.

Then usually ends it with a comment to the tone of 'I expected better from you' or something similar and condescending, much the same as he has done above. But when someone calls him out on his behaviour, they aren't allowed the same opinion of 'I expected better from you'.

OK this is what was happening for me an in context to how I read it whilst on IntensitySquared (the place to back your words)

Sticky Ricky doing his usual blah about me as he is want to do  and I was giving back. All good.
In comes Ki who brings up shit from another site hat no-one else knows about (except Hyke) and seems to me to add and insinuate shit (without the benefit of context) to Sticky Ricky's assumptions.
I though "Wow. Did not see that coming. More drama for Kit? OK she wants to dangle a bit of bait at me? Alright why not I will have a bite and see how she goes with this. It could be fun and I want to hear her explain how she came to that. I have never called her out and she likes people to back what they say, so I will show that what I believe she is insinuating isn't so and see how she goes about backing her viewpoint as I see it. This could get interesting. Game on"  :asthing:

So I did exactly that and whilst this was underway Saint Phlexor squeezes himself sideways into the debate and decides of his own volition to call me a low cunt for doing so and condemns me for calling out a member here. Not any run of the mill member but I called out Kit. (Again no foul as I saw it. I saw no real biggie. In fact to not call her out or treat her with kid gloves or exclude her I thought a bit insulting.) All good. I for that have no issue with it except that of course it, in my opinion is stupid and worth derision.
Then he chooses to further make his point by bringing in a slur against my ex-wife. Yup. Personal attack. Now "It really on for him and gloves off. Decency be damned" Tit for Fat

In the meantime of course Kit is trying to tell me what happened on ASDR and I was contending that I knew this and that I was there and not at all interested in this as she tried to make her points about this. To be honest I was having a more interesting time in dealing with Saint Phlexor and getting him to back his words. I was trying to get Kit back to context and why she chose to say what she did in the way that she did ON HERE rather than dredging up any more Granantelli bullshit.

I found the Peanut Gallery almost universally was a big WTF? I wasn't about o go on there. It is and has always been for spectators. Hyke then started to spell things out in a Hyke way. That is to say in a way that is non-reactive, tactful and clear and concise. Around about the complete opposite as me. :D

Kit after saying that I am "all bent out of shape" by what she is on about then in a most "bent out of shape" way says how terrible a person I am for misreading her and so on. All good. I am actually (seeing how Hyke puts it across so well there and Kit completely misreads me) seeing how she goes a bit reading and comprehending what she has said.

But whilst things are simmering down with Lord Phlexor and his efforts in "keeping me in line" or whatever fail, have taken a nosedive, in comes a new element. On her moral high horse racing through deflecting logical and rationality wherever it lurks to rescue her girlfriend Saint Phlexor, comes Eclair. I was "WTF? Shit she is like a female version of Hardron in her ability to misread a situation and keep going (but I always had the impression at least Hardron meant it and just wanted to get some mileage) she is fucking crazy. OK why not I will see who else comes. Back what you say Les"

I was/am mindboggled by Eclair's ability to take a position that personal attacks ought to be taken and brush aside (on here of all places) but for some reason that made sense in an Eclair kind of way. It makes further sense to her that whilst doing this that any personal attacks I throw his way to return the favour are demonised as "low and schoolyardboyish". Further yet she backs that I (on the basis of what I know about Kit ought to not have treated her as any other IntensitySquared member. She also contends that being Saint Phlexors attacks were ("from a good place", admirable" "out of concern") that any personal attacks in light of this should not be responded to.

Now from  would imagine any impartial reading this would seem that there is a real case implicit in what both Eclair and Saint Phlexor say in having a protected class of citizen on I2, who when named can be put into a new usergroup of not having to defend themselves or answer for anything they say. So far Saint Phlexor and Eclair have voiced that Kit ought to not have to be called out for anything or have to argue anything or back what she says and Eclair has given the nod for Saint Phlex in that he should be able to make personal lowball attacks unanswered.

So that is the sate of play. Anyone else want to wade in on this I am fine with it. form a line to the right and I will be here. Internet. It is a nasty business.  :asthing:

Oh please, spare me. You got confronted with this;

Picking on a pregnant woman? A new low even for your Les.,9579.495.html

Get up to speed Phlexor.

Explain "even for you" and then explain "picking on". 
As for her pregnancy. I chose not her pregnancy nor her words. Nor did I choose her to use them here.

So have a read. Have a think and try again mate. I am sure you have good cause to say what you did and I would like to hear it.

Yeah, but what kind of cunt has a go at a pregnant woman, you know that it isn't all fun and games being pregnant, unless the reason you aren't married anymore is because you were an oblivious cunt to your ex wife.

I think it says more about your character than hers right now. You made a choice and have to live with the fact of that's how you look towards me now.

I don't imagine you give a shit but I felt I had to say something.

"Unless the reason you aren't married anymore is because you were an oblivious cunt to your ex wife"

Shock statement, perhaps he was as shocked, as I was, that someone who should know better, in fact, didn't.

If Hyke supports your 'mission' and feels obliged to inform Kit how to word her responses, then so be it.

For me, it smacks of hypocrisy. YOU accuse Kit of driving off a member from a site, but yet, have no qualms yourself in targetting a member who you for 1. Know will be engaged in the drama 2. Have been informed it might be a good thing to back off and not bring more internet crap into their life.

Personally Les, I thought you were a grown up and above this sort of shit.

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The Granatelli BS? I hope you still aren't saying I am making it up and you just mean what he said about AS that was BS.

And you never apologized for taking my post out of context and turning it all into this. At least I already apologized for what I said earlier in this thread.

Well at least Hykes came to the rescue.

Eclair, where did sir les accuse me of driving off another member? And do you realize that was Phlexor's post you quoted?

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The Granatelli BS? I hope you still aren't saying I am making it up and you just mean what he said about AS that was BS.

And you never apologized for taking my post out of context and turning it all into this. At least I already apologized for what I said earlier in this thread.

Well at least Hykes came to the rescue.

Eclair, where did sir les accuse me of driving off another member? And do you realize that was Phlexor's post you quoted?

Yes, I DO realise it was Phexor's post, because that's the one that Les thinks Phlexor is out of line having a go at Les's insensitivity.

I believe Hyke was on Sir Les's side, and was insensitive to you as she is Les's friend, and it is clear at the beginning of the thread (at least to me) that she is supporting him.

I don't think her telling you how to compose your posts in The Peanut Gallery was helpful, but rather, if she was Les's friend, she should have contacted him and said hey, this girl has mentioned this is making her meltdown.

Either way, I've seen some pretty bad form from members who should have known better, and in the future, I will keep that in mind.