That was the response to Sopho's drama llama picture and I wasn't expecting any drama, I didn't even know you were going to get bent so out of shape. If I knew would I still have mentioned you scared off another NT? I dunno.
So I made that post and because this is I2, I don't even bother going back to delete my previous posts that would start something. This seems to be the second time here I have done it. First I say who bearheart is after I find out and boom, a drama breaks out. Okay that became enjoyable even though it was not my intention. Then now this.
Kit you are acting like you act without any real context and in a vaccum oblivous to what is going on around you and what others post around you.
I don't believe it for a second. Ricktard was trying his best to give me shit about being a trouble maker and having fun on WP. It is true, I can be and I did have fun on WrongPlanet. People know the score on both accounts and I am not going to deny it. Besides it is Richard for fuck's sake.
Then you come through with a "Agreed. He scares away NT's too on WP and another forum too. Go figure. I feel really bad for the guy getting scared off and wish he had not have left". (Paraphrased)
This was not in a vaccum. YOu sided with Richard. You took your own stance and it was not an incidental passing on of information. Not by any reading.
I was not lying. I didn't know what your partner was talking about so I asked. She didn't answer and she said true so I assumed what I guessed was correct. People need to be more specific. She did say cross forum so I thought she meant here. That didn't make me a liar. I just misunderstood.
MMmmm...ok. Not really buying it tbh. Might be but I think that it rings false in my ears.
Yeah I felt sorry for him on the other board because he felt everyone didn't like him and he was unwanted. Is that a bad thing? I can still feel sorry for people you know. I think you are taking this whole thing too personally. I meant nothing bad by it when you said you scared off another NT. Then you asked which NT and if it was a good thing or a bad thing so I thought you were confused about what I said so I asked if you remembered him so you know what I was talking about. TBH I wasn't sure if you were joking with your question or serious. It can be hard to tell on I2 because of the way it was worded.
What Hykes said I told her I be glad to post the links to the drama if anyone is curious and wants to know the whole story. Then they can decide if you scared him off or if he simply decided to leave and you didn't cause it. Get it? Don't you like people knowing all the facts too before making any assumptions or judgments? Why are you upset by it?
Heck I scared maggiedoll off of WP. Know how I did it? It had to do with what happened between sinsboldly and I and she took her side and didn't like me spreading the word about her being banned and being happy I caused her banning. She stayed for a little longer and then left the forum. Now she just lurks every now and then but she doesn't post. Yes it was her decision to leave and not post there anymore but I was the cause of her to make that choice.
People here scared off sinsboldly when she joined because she didn't like being questioned about something. I don't remember what, callaway remembers though since she does research for the answer and I can't be arsed to do it. Sure it was her choice to leave here and ask her account to be deleted but people here were the cause of her making that choice right?
So I always say someone scared another person off.
Granatelli had many people pissed off with him because he was a bigot. You did not feel sorry about him or his bigotry and were in the front lines with everyone that railed against him including the owner. You kinda skipped over this bit completely huh? Why? Probably something to do with the lack of drama and because it sounds less damning saying "Yeah there was a guy on another board that fought with Les and others and eventually he left. Shortly beforehand Les left"
You wanted to prove your position. Your position was that in backing Ricktards assertions to my character that I had on another forum gone on, railed against an NT and scared them off the site. You wanted to find links to support this to the I2 community.
I simply got in first and exposed what actually happened. No-one here but Hyke actually had the context to know either way and I was damned if I was going to have you post posts out of context to back a point.
I told him to stop talking that way about AS. That was my friendly advice to him. Did he take it? No. I was disappointed in how he took it all to extreme because I thought he was stronger than that. But now my thoughts have changed about that part because maybe he doesn't know what he is saying will offend so he felt better off leaving. Do I miss him? Not really.
What I saw there what you were doing was just asking him why he does these things is all and calling him out on it and not letting him walk away from it. I didn't think you were doing it to scare him off. You can unintentionally scare people off like I did with maggiedoll, and kassianne.
You ripped shit out of him Kit. Most of us did (including and maybe especially me...and Grafton). That is not a bad thing. But it was not isolated to one person nor because the guy was not given a chance nor because he was NT.
Posting the way you did without the context to show people who don't know the situation leaves them a lot of blank space to fill in.
What do you think? They didn't like what he said either. I just rather laughed at his comments than getting all insulted. I recall one of the NT members there saying I was also offended with what I said there but I didn't argue about it because I don't remember saying I was offended by it. I remember saying there I found it funny what he say about AS. But they finally said something about it when you made it an issue and we all stepped in. But you were the one who called it out first and kept shoving it and then he left the forum due to his wife's situation and then he came back and then you brought the issue back which I thought was funny. I was wondering when you were going to do that. Then others decided to step in and say they feel the same way about him too.
Heck I am sure lot of aspies felt that way about him on WP and I sometimes wonder if he had the mods on his back about it. I saw a member mentioning him in her post and it was obvious she was talking about him just by what she was saying about that user. But she wouldn't tell me in PM who she was talking about but I figure who anyway. But he stopped posting on WP too all together after what happened on the other board.
Maybe we can all call you a hero eh? Like I called myself a hero about sins being demodded.
A hero? Wo Kit painting this all now in a very different light to the way you insinuated it earlier.
Picking on a pregnant woman? A new low even for your Les.
Maybe he didn't even know?
Oh well, just as long as I am here, I shouldn't expect special treatment and if I can't take the heat here or the stress, I can just simply leave until I am better.
No you shouldn't Kit.
I will tell you something. I actually IF I had no respect for you and thought you incapable of arguing or resolving shit or of no consequence would not fucking bother with you.
I am simply not prepared to do that. I have no idea what Phlex or anyone else thinks of you but I think you are a bit more substantial than that. You are here and yu know why we are here. You have earned your stripes so to speak.
Ironically if you wanted to call things off for a while I would. You know this too. You have seen it before. With Granatelli on ASDR.

Here is something I said:
Would things be any different if granatelli said in the first place "many aspies" or "lot of aspies" or "most aspies" than "aspies?" I mean talking that way would rule out aspies who aren't that way based on what he is saying, so if he went on about how black and white we are and saying how we refuse to see other point of views, etc saying "Most aspies" or "some aspies" " or many aspies" some people would have been less bothered by his posts knowing he isn't saying all aspies are that way?
Yep just asked if anything be different there if he talked that way instead. Apparently he never took that advice if he ever read it.
I said:
"I just laughed and moved on"
Better than getting all offended and bent out of shape what I read online so it's better to find it funny.
Here it is where sir les said I told him to shut it:
No, just change the way you talk and learn to keep your mouth shut about things or learn to word things different so you don't come off as bigoted or whatever. Just stop being black and white about aspies or is that too hard? You act like we're all the same.
He didn't take that advice either.
Note: I love to post links to verify my posts are true what I said.
Yup already quoted you as saying that.
Now here is the thing. I see this as just contesting your premise and putting facts where base insinuation and uncontextualise claim lay.
I am not bent out of shape or upset. I call bullshit and I always will. I am reactive. Always have been and always will be.
I think that you went fishing and dangled the bait and I took it and landed right in your boat with you and you weren't expecting that type of a reaction.
You should know me enough by now to know that I will always react strongly and doing so is far from a bad thing in my book.
I don't see you as being completely acting in a vaccum of what was going on and I think you did try for some drama and you got it Kit. One big surly Sir_Les to play with.
Have fun Kit.