Author Topic: OK Kit come on down and be prepared to back your words and every insinuation  (Read 11441 times)

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Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: OK Kit come on down and be prepared to back your words and every insinuation
« Reply #30 on: September 27, 2010, 11:47:44 AM »

ANYWAY, some of us are just sick of shit websites like WP bleeding into our lovely intensity.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

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Offline Natalia Evans

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But this is about ASD Relationships this time.  :2thumbsup:

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: OK Kit come on down and be prepared to back your words and every insinuation
« Reply #32 on: September 27, 2010, 11:57:59 AM »
But this is about ASD Relationships this time.  :2thumbsup:
Point being, if its not THIS website, its in the wrong place.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Natalia Evans

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Here is something I said:


Would things be any different if granatelli said in the first place "many aspies" or "lot of aspies" or "most aspies" than "aspies?" I mean talking that way would rule out aspies who aren't that way based on what he is saying, so if he went on about how black and white we are and saying how we refuse to see other point of views, etc saying "Most aspies" or "some aspies" " or many aspies" some people would have been less bothered by his posts knowing he isn't saying all aspies are that way?

Yep just asked if anything be different there if he talked that way instead. Apparently he never took that advice if he ever read it.

I said:

"I just laughed and moved on"

Better than getting all offended and bent out of shape what I read online so it's better to find it funny.

Here it is where sir les said I told him to shut it:

No, just change the way you talk and learn to keep your mouth shut about things or learn to word things different so you don't come off as bigoted or whatever. Just stop being black and white about aspies or is that too hard? You act like we're all the same.

He didn't take that advice either.

Note: I love to post links to verify my posts are true what I said.

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 :plus: for kit for standing her ground
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw


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Re: OK Kit come on down and be prepared to back your words and every insinuation
« Reply #35 on: September 27, 2010, 12:02:20 PM »

ANYWAY, some of us are just sick of shit websites like WP bleeding into our lovely intensity.
i get it. but i love dramas, much like spokane. we've defintly had our dramas and are over it now but i think unless your stalin, or hitler you dont really deserve to be treated this fucking bad online. especially if your an expecting mother, thats seriously leaves a bad taste in your mouth right there. its not like she killed one of his kids, or firebombed his car. she said he made someone leave, hardly worth getting all fussy over so if anything hes part of the problem to because hes contributing to the drama

im shure spokane will take this better than he has. and by the looks of it she has :plus: for her

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: OK Kit come on down and be prepared to back your words and every insinuation
« Reply #36 on: September 27, 2010, 12:07:35 PM »
Man fuck this.
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline 'andersom'

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Picking on a pregnant woman? A new low even for your Les.

Wow Phlex.

My hair is standing straight up in my neck.

You awake every feminist fibre in my body.

Pregnancy is not an illness or a weakness. And as long as there are no complications, women can do everything they want, apart from a few things.

If a pregnant woman can't do a call-out, she can't be a judge, she can't be a lawyer, she can't be a surgeon, she can't drive a car.
Apart from apparent things, like eating raw meat, eating raw cheeses, changing cat litter without gloves, work with toxic things, women can do what they can do when they are pregnant just like they can when they are not. Don't try to take that away from women Phlex.

I don't want to get back to the times when (only the richer btb) women were treated like expensive china when with child. Please, give the female sex some credit.

And for what it's worth, hormones can make pregnant women, and new mothers very fierce fighters.
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Offline 'andersom'

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I was not lying. I didn't know what your partner was talking about so I asked. She didn't answer and she said true so I assumed what I guessed was correct. People need to be more specific. She did say cross forum so I thought she meant here. That didn't make me a liar. I just misunderstood.

I meant that bitch you made in the things that piss you off thread indeed, as you assumed. So, I said that was true. (Just to clear things up)
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Offline Natalia Evans

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I was not lying. I didn't know what your partner was talking about so I asked. She didn't answer and she said true so I assumed what I guessed was correct. People need to be more specific. She did say cross forum so I thought she meant here. That didn't make me a liar. I just misunderstood.

I meant that bitch you made in the things that piss you off thread indeed, as you assumed. So, I said that was true. (Just to clear things up)

Okay so I was correct and I was just talking about this to my friends from here and I figured maybe I embarrassed your partner by saying he scared off someone so he got upset and made this into a drama.

I asked my friend if he be pissed of someone told him he scared off someone and he said he probably feel guilty. So I figured maybe this is why he got so bent out of shape over this.

Sir les, if this is what this was about, I apologize. I didn't say it to make you feel guilty or get all embarrassed so you felt you had to defend yourself thinking I wanted a drama.

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all these people on and no one wants to chat?  :nerdy:

Offline "couldbecousin"

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all these people on and no one wants to chat?  :nerdy:

I will chat!  :orly:
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Offline 'andersom'

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I was not lying. I didn't know what your partner was talking about so I asked. She didn't answer and she said true so I assumed what I guessed was correct. People need to be more specific. She did say cross forum so I thought she meant here. That didn't make me a liar. I just misunderstood.

I meant that bitch you made in the things that piss you off thread indeed, as you assumed. So, I said that was true. (Just to clear things up)

Okay so I was correct and I was just talking about this to my friends from here and I figured maybe I embarrassed your partner by saying he scared off someone so he got upset and made this into a drama.

I asked my friend if he be pissed of someone told him he scared off someone and he said he probably feel guilty. So I figured maybe this is why he got so bent out of shape over this.

Sir les, if this is what this was about, I apologize. I didn't say it to make you feel guilty or get all embarrassed so you felt you had to defend yourself thinking I wanted a drama.
I won't answer for Sir_Les. Not the way our relation works.

I asked you in the other thread, because Granatelli left after Sir_Les.

And after he was gone, the debate with Granatelli still went on.
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Offline Natalia Evans

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I was not lying. I didn't know what your partner was talking about so I asked. She didn't answer and she said true so I assumed what I guessed was correct. People need to be more specific. She did say cross forum so I thought she meant here. That didn't make me a liar. I just misunderstood.

I meant that bitch you made in the things that piss you off thread indeed, as you assumed. So, I said that was true. (Just to clear things up)

Okay so I was correct and I was just talking about this to my friends from here and I figured maybe I embarrassed your partner by saying he scared off someone so he got upset and made this into a drama.

I asked my friend if he be pissed of someone told him he scared off someone and he said he probably feel guilty. So I figured maybe this is why he got so bent out of shape over this.

Sir les, if this is what this was about, I apologize. I didn't say it to make you feel guilty or get all embarrassed so you felt you had to defend yourself thinking I wanted a drama.
I won't answer for Sir_Les. Not the way our relation works.

I asked you in the other thread, because Granatelli left after Sir_Les.

And after he was gone, the debate with Granatelli still went on.

Yeah, I remember. He spied there for a while. I think he was making sure we all moved on and weren't talking about it anymore. Then when he was sure we were done and have all moved on, he left for good, is my guess. Like he cares what people online think of him. I didn't know he was that sensitive.

Remember when someone make a post when his name get mentioned or him? It was just obvious he was lurking in the thread.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Nope Kit.
This is what happened. Your mate Ricktard was carrying on like a dickhead about how I was a troublemaker and trying to denounce my action with TheZach and in you come with:
I should also add he scared an NT off another forum and off WP too. Go figure.

You then try to:

Paint it as me scaring him off alone.
You being fair and concerned and treating him nicely and feeling sorry for him
Him as a victim
Him leaving before and as a result of me
Then want to post the links to further solidify Your/Ricktard's assertions.

This is where I come in.
Try to tell a forum who was not there and doesn't know what happened, anything, and they are likely to believe it because they are unlikely to join to become members and read the background. All you need to do is to post a few select links to go wit a selective memory and voila!! You have just rewritten history as far as it needs to be rewritten here.
How far did it "need" re-writing? Only as much completely misrepresent what went on somewhere else and back Ricktard's point of view.

Why bring it up at all? No one else was there and no-one else really knew anything about the forum anyhow?

Drama. This was not about telling the truth nor about correct representation Kit.
The only reason you wanted it introduced was to get the drama happening and the gossip.
The reason you place the comment where and how you did was to back Ricktard. There was nothing incidental with what you said.
You said what you said for a specific reason and in answering things you suggest that random shit just hits the keyboard and is entered.

Why mention in this context, Granatelli and ASDRelationships forum? Why use it to back Ricktard? Why insinuate that I chased him off when it was clearly a collaborative effort? Why suggest my efforts bad and yours good and him mistreated? You know damn well this is not right and I have proved it here.

I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap