Freedom of speech issues are mainly concerned with consequence. This site has a lot of good input from members, even though some of the posts sound contradictory but then that happens as you start making assertions so that some of the thoughts which are expressed need to be facilitated by excusing, through a sort of explaining, such as playing down to similes, or defining specific reasoning as an exception to the rule.
I find some of the I2 processes tedious, such as when I click next to find I'm in another forum, or when I've posted and another page loads. While there is a roughly equal amount of traffic here to other forums, I'm not sure what this one is concerned with, which in contrast to other forums, has an apparent lack of direction. I generally sign up to forums where there is a subject matter, or shared interest, experiences, etc. If I can't work out a purpose for this site, then how the hell am I meant to be motivated here!? If there were a thread stating a summary which makes sense, I would have a better idea before I post. And seeing how I can like a subject and dislike a forum based on the members, I'm finding it interesting that I've joined a forum which apparently has no subject, which is a highlight for me; yet find the members okay, which keeps me interested in hanging out for a while longer, if only because this is the first time the reverse has been true, that a topic has been disinteresting, while the members are.