do you apologize after you attack someone and want to be forgiven? it wasn't even a condition of his unbanning that he apologize. can you believe that? it looks like he slipped pika a twenty. he has returned exactly the same pointless troll cunt as ever. nice work pika 
Yeah, the amusing thing is that you are doing the very thing that you accuse Duke of doing.
Funny that.
You accuse me of being, now what was it, ah yes - "a weak faggot" - a babbies first attempt at flaming, but I'll respond regardless.
I don't consider compassion to be a weakness - if I were to be weak over this, it would be in buckling at the first criticism and re-muting Duke based on your (as so far) unsubstantiated claims.
I will not deny that I have my doubts about restating Duke, but as I have said; He appears to have being making an effort, and should he make an attack on someone
and it being reported, then his probationary status will be removed along with, well, him - quite aside from which, he fulfilled his condition of restatement.
You, sir, are a spineless, simpering coward - you have the balls to criticise somebody whilst you are semi-anon, but you don't have the gall to actually bring your concerns to me personally - whereupon I would have been a whole lot more willing to address them.
As it is, you've put me into "fuck you" mode.
(Internet is srs bzns, guize.)