Quit throwing those stupid images at me and answer my question! 
Stop having sex with livestock. STOP IT NOW!!!!
Shut your mouth, Sir Less! I do not have sex with any livestock! Is there something you are afraid to tell us about yourself? Maybe it has something to do with those such ridiculous accusations?
Maybe YOU are the one who is having sex with pigs, sheep, and cows! Has that ever occurred to you, Mr. Patterson?
I am still imagining you in that high pitched Wally Shawn voice and it reads well.
I get it Judy. You are are asking me do I want to consider if I have sex with livestock? Is that kind of right? Sort of? Do I want to entertain that notion that I may?
No see you are going about this wrong. It is fail.
Now were you to say. "Gee Less you are sure thinking of me in interesting ways. Why are you fixated on me screwing animals. Is that a fetish bubbling up from your sordid consciousness? Do you have wanton fantasies of bestiality that you are channeling through imaginings of me? Does that excite you, you pervert? Which animals are you imagining now? Are you all aroused at the prospect? You are one sick fuck Les"
That would not be fail. It would be lulz.
Of course it won't be now that I have given you this flame but maybe consider i for next time you silly troll wannabe.
I really ought not have to school you here