Swanson: NOOOOOOO!!!! GOD PLEASE NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOO!Gopher Gary: What's up with him?Genesis: The is sending him back to High School.Gopher Gary: Oh dear
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I have a motorbike jacket - but no motorbike
I love to cook, but I find baking overwhelming and I don't know why
although my oven doesn't make any noise when it's preheating. So many people find baking relaxing. I find it stressful though. I bake so infrequently that my kids nearly died from happiness when I made oatmeal chocolate chip muffins last week.
Quote from: MissKitty on December 01, 2012, 07:38:36 AM although my oven doesn't make any noise when it's preheating. So many people find baking relaxing. I find it stressful though. I bake so infrequently that my kids nearly died from happiness when I made oatmeal chocolate chip muffins last week. Your kids sound so unspoiled and sweet.
Cookig is quite a bit easier, you can fudge the recipe a bit here and there and it will still turn out okay. Baking is closer to chemistry. All the ingredients need to be just right, and measured in weight, not volume.
Quote from: earthboundmisfit on December 01, 2012, 10:40:55 AMCookig is quite a bit easier, you can fudge the recipe a bit here and there and it will still turn out okay. Baking is closer to chemistry. All the ingredients need to be just right, and measured in weight, not volume.And I sucked at chemistry so that explains a lot right there
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!
My nose looks really big in the pictures I take on my new phone.