(um, the year-thing.. is just me 'doing' silly)
Well, I believe in what one eats (and drink) is linked with the way one feels and how s/o's body reacts to it (or how one physically 'feels'). Pimples (here and there/at times/other skin buggery) could be a sign you eat something your body doesn't 'agree with'.
The pimple in my ear now.. is probably there cause I ate bacon twice this week (evening-dishes), ate a couple of mini lions (the choc. bar) and drank a couple of glasses of hot chocolate. Oh, to be honest, I was a tadski nervous earlier this week also. Those things have influence.. and resulted (no drama whatsoever though) in me having.. ja, this spot.
Um, IBS? Dunno.. could be a reaction of your body to the food you eat also.. but but but, I have too little an insight in this to claim anything here. I shouldn't. Perhaps, suit self of course, you could, one day, consult a dietician and together look at your diet. That might be helpful. Piecemeal including good foods into your diet and step by step excluding the less positive factors.
Oh, wish not to push/might come across as such.. of course, suit self.. just hope the bothers lessen in the future for you.