Cooking! I was once very keen to make a 'go of it' when i took my
first cookery lesson in senior school. I guess i was 12 years old.
Lesson 1
Toad in the hole
result = not bad at all
Lesson 2
Swiss roll
Our teacher informed us of the ingredients needed, and she said to make
sure to bring a tin as well to take the swiss roll home in.
I thought i was very smart by taking in a 'marvel tin' as it was round and
oblong like the roll. Huh...
Actually when it came out it looked quite good. It certainly didn't stand
out from my classmates versions. Feeling pleased i packed away and went
on my merry way home.
It went in the tin beautifully at school. It had however expanded
inside the tin. I tried to slide it out. No joy. Put knife in at opposite
ends and tried to coax it out. It started to break up.
I always remember my brother nearly wetting himself with laughter as
my mom 'spooned' it out at the table.
I seethed. Red faced and humiliated.
I made up my mind, there and then that me and cooking
were over.!!