
Author Topic: Useless Personal Trivia  (Read 84033 times)

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #960 on: May 13, 2011, 02:58:45 PM »
Well, I just lurve being naked Nah, no, to go about without socks, I mean. Socks suck.

Please don't tell anyone here but I've been weeding the garden with bare feet before also. Which yeah, I admit is a bit.. odd..

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #961 on: May 13, 2011, 03:32:18 PM »
Thanks for the link. Read it and wondered a bit about what the odds are some infected person would've defecated in my garden. Well, the article says persons and the odds are very slim there.. but good to know overall, I reckon.

Mice, hedgehog, frogs, all sorts of birds and not that far away dogs do shit in/near it.. and that's a thing to consider, I think. Some could carry some (diff.) parasitic worms that could do harm also maybe.

OK, no more weeding without socks/shoes then (that was stupid) but going to remain a bare-footer for sure. Really don't like the elastic in socks around my feet and ankles.

Um, useless personal trivia.. 5 years ago it would've almost freaked me out hearing/reading such info.. no kid ya.. (but not so much nowadays any more)  Um, :plus: -ing myself here.

Plus 'trivia' is an example of a pluralia tantum.. a word without a singular form.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2011, 03:33:52 PM by lutra »
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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #962 on: May 13, 2011, 03:35:03 PM »
Dogs and cats both carry hookworms as well.  Do you have any outdoor cats near your garden?

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #963 on: May 13, 2011, 03:55:59 PM »
There are a couple of cats yes.. but they only dare to go in the garden when I'm not around. You see I'm a bird 'lover' and surely in Springtime I do not welcome cats here. Well, I would never physically harm a cat, I just loudly clap my hands to chase them off and do this to protect 'my' birds and their offspring.

Cats know the drill by now and probably only visit the garden when they're sure I'm not there.. which is quite often ofc.... so yeah, you have a point there as well.

Still not that worried here but I'll be a bit more cautious now.

(Going to check if Holland has similar problems with hookworms and such.. might not be that big of a problem here.. Dunno)
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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #964 on: May 13, 2011, 04:30:42 PM »
Well, I just lurve being naked Nah, no, to go about without socks, I mean. Socks suck.

Please don't tell anyone here but I've been weeding the garden with bare feet before also. Which yeah, I admit is a bit.. odd..
:plus: I hate socks. I'm always barefoot unless I absolutely have to put something on my feet. I don't weed barefoot though because I have a lot of wolf spiders in my garden and they leave nasty bites.

But if I could, I would. I hate wearing socks and not a fan of shoes much either. My daughter is the same. We have a 30 mins drive home from school and as soon as I pick her up, the first thing she does is take off her shoes and socks. :laugh:

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #965 on: May 13, 2011, 05:17:14 PM »
We have wolf spiders here too but can't say I'm afraid of them. Heard about its nasty bite too but think they shit their pants 413.45 times more than I should be afraid for a bite.

Spiders are über-sensitive and surely this family (Lycosidae) are non-aggressive towards humans.. they've sensed a person coming from far away and yeah.. hide, as quick as they can. Bet (me assuming here) that also Canada has little reports about folks being bitten by one. But but but not sure..

Yeah, socks? Tiz that I'm not the sandal type of dude but otherwise.. maybe.. (go barefoot in them, I mean)

(Thanks for the plus, CG. Um, me, myself, I.. have trouble plussing folks.. Dunno, it's not in my system or something.. Do read good posts and/or favour folks a plus but.. tjah.. )
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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #966 on: May 13, 2011, 06:32:41 PM »
We have wolf spiders here too but can't say I'm afraid of them. Heard about its nasty bite too but think they shit their pants 413.45 times more than I should be afraid for a bite.

Spiders are über-sensitive and surely this family (Lycosidae) are non-aggressive towards humans.. they've sensed a person coming from far away and yeah.. hide, as quick as they can. Bet (me assuming here) that also Canada has little reports about folks being bitten by one. But but but not sure..

Yeah, socks? Tiz that I'm not the sandal type of dude but otherwise.. maybe.. (go barefoot in them, I mean)

(Thanks for the plus, CG. Um, me, myself, I.. have trouble plussing folks.. Dunno, it's not in my system or something.. Do read good posts and/or favour folks a plus but.. tjah.. )

I've been bit by a wolf spider more than once and by a poisionous spider twice (the brown recluse) and remember my Nanny's wolf spider bite on her face, near her eye. I seem to attract bites so I'm uber cautious. :laugh:


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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #967 on: May 13, 2011, 07:04:48 PM »
I have these guys in my basement

They do nasty things to you


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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #968 on: May 13, 2011, 07:07:49 PM »
^ Is that a brown recluse? That's what bit me. I've been bitten twice. The first time while I was pregnant with monkeyboy. They had to pump me full of steroids because the bite was so nasty and it turned out being why he was in such good shape being born as a preemie. His lungs were more developed than they should have been for 33.5 weeks. Although he wasn't breathing when he was born, but over all he could have been worse off.


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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #969 on: May 13, 2011, 07:10:10 PM »
That's terrible!  :(

No, the above is a Hobo Spider.  Similar to a Brown Recluse but much more common in the desert where I live.

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #970 on: May 14, 2011, 07:42:36 AM »
Jesus C.. that hand/thumb looks really nasty..  :zombiefuck:

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #971 on: May 14, 2011, 02:16:18 PM »
Looks awful. I'm glad to live where I live.
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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #972 on: May 18, 2011, 08:21:07 AM »
I have these guys in my basement

They do nasty things to you

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #973 on: May 18, 2011, 08:35:01 AM »
that thumb looks yuk :thumbdn:

don't like spiders :hide:
blah blah blah

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #974 on: May 18, 2011, 08:47:43 AM »

Number 2 is not found in Australia

This table is a guide to the Worlds most venomous snakes. The worst are at the top of the table. All of the snakes listed on this page are for the experts only! This information was supplied by  Steve Irwin. All of these snakes can be found in Australia.

As to spiders. Our White-tail spiders are not as bad as the Recluse but will similarly ulcerate and rot flesh in a similar fashion but not quite as bad I don't think.
Our funnel web and redbacks will kill you though.

No more that sharks or crocodiles but yeah
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