TeH next funeral is tomorrow at eleven.
I will have time to set the "new release" stuff for the opening of the store, but then i will have only a bit of time to get to the funeral and pay our respects.
I really hate to go to a funeral of a child and try to comfort the parents of the dead child.

I agree, it's really horrible.
How old was the child?
Well, not actually a child. He was twenty three, but he died of a heart attack. He was not a sedentary gamer, either. He worked in construction and was fairly slim, yet his heart blew up.
I do remember him well as a maturing boy, however. I remember him making over my collection of carved wooden elephants, ages ago. It is customary for our family to leave something in the casket that we think of when we think of the person who died. I left his favorite carved wood elephant that he used to play with.
To me, the saddest part of the entire proceeding was the fact that when I laid that wooden elephant in his casket, I set it down among a collection of marbles, baseball cards, Ninja Turtles, Hot Wheels and various other toys that represent the mind of a child. These things were placed carefully there by the people who supposedly knew him and were close to him. He was twenty three and, even though I had not seen him in too long, I am reasonably certain that he no longer played with Ninja Turtles, marbles, baseball cards, etc.
The reason I was shaken so, after the reality hit me, was that I wondered if anyone, ANYONE, actually knew who this young man had become.