Like a racoon? 
I have two safes and nobody but me knows the combination
Does at least someone but you know the location?
because of:
I hide things all everywhere sometimes forgetting here I did
Yeah they know where they are but there are lots of things they have no idea about. When my grandfather died my brother found over three thousand dollars hidden around his room and lots of guns
When my uncle died, it took my Dad ages to get everything sorted and categorised and such. So, immediately after he got that done, he made a start on his own belongings.
Real treasures, for those who know what to do with it, emerge. He has gotten things to a museum and some archives. And, has made lots of boxes, labelled, so that we will know where to bring the material, if he won't manage to get it there himself. After a life of collecting, he now starts spreading his collection to where it will be appreciated. Knowing he has stuff his kids have no idea about what to do with it. He can go on for quite some years with this I think. Hope he will be able to do that. It really pleases him to find a good place for his things and archive material.