The last time I attempted to assess the auction value of my stamp collection, it was valued in the ninety five thousand dollar range. (I know that I have mentioned, upon many occasions, my interest in the historical study of philately, but did I ever state that I was actually a serious collector of historical pieces in the past?)
I started as kid in "Cub Scouts" trying to gain another "Honor Pin" for having made pen pals across the globe. Hell, now you are all my "pen pals."

Realising I wasn't the person to get a marvellous stamp collection, but, liking nice stamps a lot, I made a habit of always having special stamps at home to use. Hardly ever will I use a standard stamp. Only when I get stuff weighed and stamped at the postoffice what I send will get a standard stamp.
Got a great one from the UK today, with a text: " I'm writing to you, because you don't listen to a word I say" :lol:
repaired mistake in quote of stamp