A white pawn is the most common first move by a factor of (shit, I forgot, but it is a lot, like maybe seven or eight) and maybe that has significance to one who tends to wait for another to make the first move most often.
I am that type of person, unfortunately. I think I need to change! 
I have found a woman kind of like you and I offered her my castle.
Is that Mrs. DirtDawg? 
You are actually asking that question, I mean are you really asking that of me?
I am a man of many volumes of pages, most pages mention women who have not been good for me, but only two wives in all those volumes; one who was my high school sweetheart, now, long dead in my heart and one who saved me from continuing to destroy that wide open place in my mind where women can generally enter, who has replanted a massive garden in my heart.
Yes, the talented gardener is indeed Mrs. DirtDawg, forever.