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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2850 on: May 12, 2014, 09:39:41 AM »
  Drinking pineapple juice gives me instant heartburn, worse than orange juice!  :sick:

I have to dilute orange juice- half juice, half water, or else I get instant diarrhea.

  Ouch!  Can you eat a whole orange, or not?  :(

I can eat oranges fine :) One or two at a time though.

It might be easier for you to cut them into smaller pieces first. :zoinks:

I have them mashed up to drink them through a straw.  :M
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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2851 on: May 12, 2014, 10:03:47 PM »
I LOVE pineapple juice. I'll drink as much as I can fit in the fridge in one or two days (1l cartons)

Although my favourite as far as fresh fruit juice goes, has to be either guava or lychee juice.  Chilled lychee juice goes great with vodka as a mixer too.
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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2852 on: May 12, 2014, 10:07:06 PM »
I very much enjoy fruits and fruit juices of many kinds...but my stomach cannot handle too much. So I content myself with teas most of the time.

Lestat, do you enjoy avocados?
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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2853 on: May 12, 2014, 10:10:08 PM »
Oh god no. I can't eat them at all. Too close to veg for my liking.

I'd almost certainly throw up if I tried eating avocado.
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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2854 on: May 12, 2014, 10:16:32 PM »
Oh god no. I can't eat them at all. Too close to veg for my liking.

I'd almost certainly throw up if I tried eating avocado.

MAybe you have just not had them fresh enough.

I grew up with three avocado trees in my back yard, I ate them at many "levels" of ripeness. They even taste good left on the tree until the seeds sprout inside the fruit, just before the fruit falls from the tree.
 I generally ate them raw, just pealed and maybe salted a bit.

They are really wonderful fruit. They do not cook well, unless you have a certain degree of prowess with fast cooking on an open fire.
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Offline sg1008

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2855 on: May 12, 2014, 10:17:18 PM »
Oh god no. I can't eat them at all. Too close to veg for my liking.

I'd almost certainly throw up if I tried eating avocado.

Ah, I was wondering how close to a vegetable a fruit would have to be to put you off.

Have you looked into the various fruits found in the Amazon? It is unlikely you could access any of them, but they have hundreds of varieties, and apparently many are so highly nutritious that people living in the Amazon (in peru at least) didn't need to hunt anything...or else they hunted a guinea pig or two very seldomly.

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Offline sg1008

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2856 on: May 12, 2014, 10:19:46 PM »
Oh god no. I can't eat them at all. Too close to veg for my liking.

I'd almost certainly throw up if I tried eating avocado.

MAybe you have just not had them fresh enough.

I grew up with three avocado trees in my back yard, I ate them at many "levels" of ripeness. They even taste good left on the tree until the seeds sprout inside the fruit, just before the fruit falls from the tree.
 I generally ate them raw, just pealed and maybe salted a bit.

They are really wonderful fruit. They do not cook well, unless you have a certain degree of prowess with fast cooking on an open fire.

I enjoy avocados...sprinkled with a little salt and fresh lime juice...they are one of the few foods that don't give me stomach problems. Pistachios are similarly comforting to my digestive tract.
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Offline Lestat

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2857 on: May 12, 2014, 10:54:09 PM »
Its more a texture and taste thing, than an arbitrary classification. I love most fruit, for instance, but tomatoes turn my insides to outsides,  there is an exotic fruit I once tried, horned melon, tastes exactly like tomato; right down to the smell of it, and I just cannot bear the things. Bought one once, not knowing a damn thing about it, figured I'd try something new, but once I actually came to eating it, my gorge rose and I had to hold on and try not to chuck my lunch as to my disgust it was more or less one great big buggering tomato with a stinker of a price tag on it.
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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2858 on: May 13, 2014, 12:22:09 AM »
Its more a texture and taste thing, than an arbitrary classification. I love most fruit, for instance, but tomatoes turn my insides to outsides,  there is an exotic fruit I once tried, horned melon, tastes exactly like tomato; right down to the smell of it, and I just cannot bear the things. Bought one once, not knowing a damn thing about it, figured I'd try something new, but once I actually came to eating it, my gorge rose and I had to hold on and try not to chuck my lunch as to my disgust it was more or less one great big buggering tomato with a stinker of a price tag on it.

Not sure I know what your experience with anything called "horned melon"  might be like, but I have enjoyed all Western Hemisphere melons.

Some had spiky things on the outsides but they were just melons on the inside.

Do you know a genus?  I generally try to acccept most peoples' idea of what plants are supposed to be, but melons with magical properties? I need to know more.

OH and BTW, there are more than ten thousand kinds of the "poisonous fruit"  called commonly tomato. Most are truly harmless.

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2859 on: May 13, 2014, 01:17:11 AM »

Its a gourd, related to cucumbers and more distantly to the true melons.

Don't bother with it. Identical to tomato and just as disgusting, with a mass of green, pulpy, liquid-surrounded seeds within. Absolutely foul, and exorbitantly expensive.

Tried something new just recently, anona fruit, or 'custard apple'. Now that was nice. I saved the seeds in fact, just to see if they can be grown indoors in the UK, along with a load of tamarind seeds I saved from the fruit I bought at the same time.
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Offline sg1008

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2860 on: May 13, 2014, 12:35:04 PM »
Tamarind is really good. I've had it before sprinkled lightly with salt, lime and finely ground red pepper. Add a corona with lime and start up the grill and it's time well spent- Latino style  8)
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Offline Lestat

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2861 on: May 13, 2014, 01:39:27 PM »

I shall have to try that. Although as far as the beer accompaniment goes, peroni is my favoured beer. The tamarind 'recipe' you describe sounds like it would be nice with a cold beer and a nice big shot or two of cptn. Morgans dark rum.
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Offline sg1008

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2862 on: May 13, 2014, 01:51:39 PM »

I shall have to try that. Although as far as the beer accompaniment goes, peroni is my favoured beer. The tamarind 'recipe' you describe sounds like it would be nice with a cold beer and a nice big shot or two of cptn. Morgans dark rum.

Cool. Make sure you peel the shell off of the tamarind and then boil it in a little water so the pulp gets nice and chewy/soft. Then drain and add the pepper, just a tad salt (or none at all) and squeeze fresh lime over it.
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Offline Lestat

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2863 on: May 13, 2014, 04:36:32 PM »
Oh right! I hadn't realize you were having them cooked.

I just got a big box full a while back and just cracked the shells off the pods in a fist, grab the end where the 'ribs' are connected to its wossitmehfucker and peel downwards which gets rid of all four ribs in one.

Then just stuff in gob, and work around the seeds, which get spat out once the pod is consumed,
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Offline sg1008

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Re: Useless Personal Trivia
« Reply #2864 on: May 13, 2014, 09:25:42 PM »
Oh right! I hadn't realize you were having them cooked.

I just got a big box full a while back and just cracked the shells off the pods in a fist, grab the end where the 'ribs' are connected to its wossitmehfucker and peel downwards which gets rid of all four ribs in one.

Then just stuff in gob, and work around the seeds, which get spat out once the pod is consumed,

Well, I wouldn't say they were "cooked". Just simmered a bit and cooled off. Same thing, working around the seeds n all. TBH I am not sure exactly how they were treated before digging is possible they were never boiled, but I recall them be prepared over the stove.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 09:27:29 PM by sg1008 »
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