I have an excellent sense of hearing but poor filtering capabilities. Little tiny noises can freak me out. My wife still has difficulty accepting that I will hear, and be bothered about, some noises when she won't even notice them.
My father has had some degree of hearing loss for decades, yet he would always
hear some tiny engine noise in the car that no one else could hear. As for me, I often miss key words due to
hearing consonant sounds wrong, but if someone breaks a dish in another room at work, I can tell, from the
sound it made when breaking, whether it was glass or china. 
I can hear if a 35mm projector is threaded and running properly. Some of my past apprentices in the booth found this a bit scary as I would tell them what they'd done wrong without being anywhere near the projector.
And once they'd passed their tests and worked as temps in the booth, I could phone them and tell them which projector was running.

Among my other booth-related superpowers, I used to be able to take a single look at the film remaining on a reel and tell how many minutes and seconds that were left.
This superpower no longer works, as the prints vary more in quality and thickness.