I want a pair of noise-cancelling headphones. I tried a pair the other day and they were awesome.
What brand were they?
Some of the "active" noise canceling headphones are truly amazing in how they can suspend the listener in a "soundproof environment."
I generally do not care much for Bose products, but their noise canceling 'phones are not bad at all. We also have Sennheiser, B&W, and Sony that do well, but you are going to be in the "over two hundred dollar" range for the better ones.
The ones I tried were Bose headphones. The noise cancelling worked really well, I have to say, but I won't be buying them. I don't have any faith in Bose.
I'm going to buy a new pair of headphones, though. I'll go with AKGs.
Good choice. You are onto the higher dollar/krona products. The only problem I have found with AKGs is related to physical comfort. (They just do not fit my extra large size head very well) If you can preview some B&W (the ones with the ultra-soft lamb skin pads) - (I think they are made in the UK) you might also like those.
My biggest problem with "Dr/Mr/Prof" Bose's products is that his ideas of what we want to hear and what I perceive as flat/neutral sound reproduction are quite at odds. While I accept that all manufacturerers "color" their Signature sound, Bose do not sound right to me. I have twenty dollar Sony's (I buy for the kids to destroy) that sound more neutral and cause less listener fatigue. (They are not as efficient, which is not that bad for kids. Hopefully they will not blow their ears out as fast.

Call me a minority, because all that bass noise sells like hell to most people, but most Bose products are not capable of pure, flat, uncolored, natural sounding reproduction.