I always felt a bit sorry for Joseph. I mean his wife got pregnant but it wasn't him who.... (Well, probably gullibility ran in his family.. um, also seeing his son.. )
Oh god hell yeeeaaahh!
Joseph was proper shafted like a bitch!!He lost the plot after all that
'someone else porking his mrs' how do you do...

can't blame the man really can you.. someone impregnates his mrs before he even has
so much as a soapy tit wank..
....then she has a boy thats not his but 'allegedly' the son of god

not to mention all that rigmarole in the stable with the donkey's

followed by some shepherds gatecrashing (probably trying to have a perv at the virgin mary's vagina)
which, incidently was the first Joseph had seen of it too*
...he couldn't get it up after that you know....well Jesus didn't have any siblings did he...
hmmm Joseph musta been wicked in his previous life