Fluffalizer, I think this is a problem you and I have both - we thing WAY too damn much. All you can really do is with what you said in that first post know it, except it, be the animal you are, still fit into society or not however you choose, just make sure those ideas never stop you from taking what you want in life - if we're wired to live on emotion and not be fully logical that's a leap that just has to be made whether it kinda disagrees with us or not, at least when you get creative you can find an angle of that as I have and do it in a way that won't make looking in the mirror to be a difficult thing. That's one thing I think NT's have over us a lot of times - they're able to make peace with the realities of things quicker a lot of times and just roll with it whereas we still get real hung up on whats fair, not fair, right, not right, and all that stuff does sort itself out in the middle somewhere but it happens to some people much more naturally and at a much younger age than others just based on how their naturally wired.