lol, might be too late to mention this but, you do realise you just killed your chance of being a WP moderator now, don't you? 
Insubordination is not tolerated, didn't you know that? 

In all honesty, and not beating about the bush, we knew ross stood Buckley's chance of getting in anyway (and I'd be the last to criticise ross's idea of running because I gave 110% support). Their little fiefdom was gonna be run how they seemed fit, and now that they have that lot of dickheads on board, then they have 20,000 fucking pawns in a huge game of autistic chess. Or, a huge deck of cards to play '52 pick-up' with. It was money from the outset that made the decision, and money that closed the deal. Alex sold out, and now has Autism Speaks to tell him to bend over and take it up the arse. All of the people on I
2 who are still members of Wankplanet and who haven't fallen for this dumbfuckery should avoid the place like the plague, because their is no way odeon is going to be sucked in like that douche Alex was.