Re: all this Alex/WP in partnership with AutSpeaks. I just wish that Alex did this all in his own name or in the name of his media company instead of bringing in WP for the sake of his self promotion, then we could say to each his own. I hate how he has no idea what's going on there most of the time (due to not caring or disinterest IMO, see: the past mod dramas. Or maybe he's genuinely too busy to notice. In that case he should think about putting WP's ownership in new, more attentive hands). But when a big career opportunity comes along he instantly hugs WP again and calls it his baby, like he's doing right now. Nah, Autism Speaks will never buy out WP. They know Alex has nothing else to use to make a name for himself so they'll take pity and leave him & WP be 
Ever watch Sopranos? I know it is a strange analogy to make.
In that once there was ever any association with any of these people, you were in. There was no turning it off or on or controlling it. You were unable to be out of the shadow no matter how you conducted yourself.
Autism Speaks is the same. Any involvement that is not outright condemnation put you in the shadow fro which you will never see the light of day.
I wasn't a fan of the Sopranos but I understand your analogy.
I can envision Alex sitting in that Autism Speaks boardroom one day, in his own comfy leather chair. If that day comes I hope WP will be in safe hands 
Quoting myself 
John Elder Robison has resigned from Autism Speaks due to differences, and Alex may follow suit by disassociating himself from them. Or at least that's what I think, Alex wouldn't publicize the resignation if he wasn't siding with him.
If anyone cares 
It's interesting as it relates to Autism Speaks, but not as it relates to WP. Has anything interesting happened on WP recently?
Have you talked with Alex? I haven't spoken with him, but from what I've heard, he doesn't seem like the sort of person who cares about the ideologies of people who give him money. Hopefully, our resident WP
spies members will let us know.